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Responsible AI
From Communications of the ACM

Responsible AI: Bridging From Ethics to Practice

Recommendations for increasing the benefits of artificial intelligence technologies.

Science Needs to Engage With Society
From Communications of the ACM

Science Needs to Engage With Society: Some Lessons From COVID-19

Recent experiences toward communicating science to the general public.

Wait, There's Supposed to Be a Gadget Repair Market?
From ACM Opinion

Wait, There's Supposed to Be a Gadget Repair Market?

A new FTC policy is a warning to companies that glue together smartphones so they can't be opened, charge exorbitant fees for replacement parts, or limit who can...

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence and the Intelligence Community

The intelligence community's budget and acquisition processes rise to the top of the issues it must address before it can take full advantage of AI

Why You Should Care About Your Right to Repair Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Care About Your Right to Repair Gadgets

New legislation could simplify tech maintenance and make buying a new smartphone or computer the last resort.

Why Business and Academia Need Each Other for Better AI
From ACM Opinion

Why Business and Academia Need Each Other for Better AI

The best way to accelerate innovation is through cooperation between academics and business.

BBC Interviewer Found Himself on a Sticky Wicket With Google CEO
From ACM Opinion

BBC Interviewer Found Himself on a Sticky Wicket With Google CEO

Amol Rajan's questioning failed to get behind the defenses of Sundar Pichai's 'nice guy' media image.

With Internet Shutdowns, India Is Violating a 'Duty to Memory'
From ACM Opinion

With Internet Shutdowns, India Is Violating a 'Duty to Memory'

The shutdowns, aimed at quelling unrest, undercut the nation's moral and ethical obligation to record history as it is.

Is the U.S. Labor Shortage the Big Break AI Needs?
From ACM Opinion

Is the U.S. Labor Shortage the Big Break AI Needs?

Companies experiencing labor shortages should consider where AI can make their employees' lives better and easier.

The Assault on Our Privacy Is Being Conducted in Private
From ACM Opinion

The Assault on Our Privacy Is Being Conducted in Private

The rise of social media, Google, and online shopping and banking has made us far more exposed than back in the Internet’s infancy.

Everyone Should Decide How Their Digital Data Is Used—Not Just Tech Cos.
From ACM Opinion

Everyone Should Decide How Their Digital Data Is Used—Not Just Tech Cos.

Smartphones, sensors, and consumer habits reveal much about society. Too few people have a say in how the data is created and used.

We Need Remote Work for Everyone
From ACM Opinion

We Need Remote Work for Everyone

The ability to work online shouldn't be a nice-to-have for a select few, but an option for all.

Why Machine Learning Can't Understand Human Language
From ACM Opinion

Why Machine Learning Can't Understand Human Language

While larger deep neural networks can incrementally improveme specific tasks, they aren't fit for general natural language understanding.

Kubernetes Magic Is in Enterprise Standardization, Not App Portability
From ACM Opinion

Kubernetes Magic Is in Enterprise Standardization, Not App Portability

Kubernetes isn't going to magically make your applications portable, but it just might give you something even better.

If You Say 'Science Is Right,' You're Wrong
From ACM Opinion

If You Say 'Science Is Right,' You're Wrong

It can't supply absolute truths about the world, but it brings us steadily closer.

What OpenAI and GitHub's AI Pair Programmer Means for the Software Industry
From ACM Opinion

What OpenAI and GitHub's AI Pair Programmer Means for the Software Industry

AI-powered code generator provides some interesting hints about the business of large language models and the future of the software industry.

Robots Were Supposed to Take Our Jobs. Instead, They're Making Them Worse.
From ACM Opinion

Robots Were Supposed to Take Our Jobs. Instead, They're Making Them Worse.

The robot apocalypse is already here, it just looks different than you thought.

Algorithmic Impact Assessments Should Leverage Diverse Expertise and Complex Histories
From ACM Opinion

Algorithmic Impact Assessments Should Leverage Diverse Expertise and Complex Histories

There is a pressing need to establish algorithmic impact assessment practices from the ground up.

Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar
From ACM Opinion

Tesla AI Chief Says Self-Driving Cars Don't Need Lidar

Andrej Karpathy shares why the company still believes in a purely vision-based autonomous driving solution.

 The Danger of Anthropomorphic Language in Robotic AI Systems
From ACM Opinion

The Danger of Anthropomorphic Language in Robotic AI Systems

Clear, non-anthropomorphic language is central to dismantling misconceptions of AI as a black box.
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