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Communications of the ACM

Practice Archive


The Practice archive provides access to all Practice articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

January 2024

From Communications of the ACM

Hardware VM Isolation in the Cloud

Hardware VM Isolation in the Cloud

Enabling confidential computing with AMD SEV-SNP technology.

From Communications of the ACM

Creating the First Confidential GPUs

Creating the First Confidential GPUs

The team at NVIDIA brings confidentiality and integrity to user code and data for accelerated computing.

From Communications of the ACM

Why Should I Trust Your Code?

Why Should I Trust Your Code?

Confidential computing enables users to authenticate code running in TEEs, but users also need evidence this code is trustworthy.

From Communications of the ACM

Confidential Computing: Elevating Cloud Security and Privacy

Confidential Computing: Elevating Cloud Security and Privacy

Working toward a more secure and innovative future.