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Communications of the ACM

Practice Archive


The Practice archive provides access to all Practice articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

July 2013

From Communications of the ACM

Nonblocking Algorithms and Scalable Multicore Programming

Nonblocking Algorithms and Scalable Multicore Programming

Exploring an alternative to lock-based synchronization.

From Communications of the ACM

Structured Deferral: Synchronization via Procrastination

Structured Deferral

We simply do not have a synchronization mechanism that can enforce mutual exclusion.

From Communications of the ACM

Proving the Correctness of Nonblocking Data Structures

Proving the Correctness of Nonblocking Data Structures

Nonblocking synchronization can yield astonishing results in terms of scalability and real-time response, but at the expense of verification state space.