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Communications of the ACM

Practice Archive


The Practice archive provides access to all Practice articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

April 2018

From Communications of the ACM

Continuous Delivery Sounds Great, but Will It Work Here?

Continuous Delivery Sounds Great, but Will It Work Here?

It's not magic, it just requires continuous, daily improvement at all levels.

From Communications of the ACM

DevOps Metrics

DevOps Metrics

Your biggest mistake might be collecting the wrong data.

From Communications of the ACM

DevOps Delivers

DevOps Delivers

The DevOps methodology has come of age in the past several years, and organizations are adopting key DevOps practices to transform their software practices.

From Communications of the ACM

Containers Will Not Fix Your Broken Culture (and Other Hard Truths)

Containers Will Not Fix Your Broken Culture (and Other Hard Truths)

Complex socio-technical systems are hard; film at 11.