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Communications of the ACM

Practice Archive


The Practice archive provides access to all Practice articles published in past issues of Communications of the ACM.

April 2011

From Communications of the ACM

Successful Strategies For IPv6 Rollouts. Really.

Successful Strategies For IPv6 Rollouts. Really.

Knowing where to begin is half the battle.

From Communications of the ACM

Returning Control to the Programmer: SIMD Intrinsics For Virtual Machines

Returning Control to the Programmer: SIMD Intrinsics For Virtual Machines

Exposing SIMD units within interpreted languages could simplify programs and unleash floods of untapped processor power.

From Communications of the ACM

A Co-Relational Model of Data For Large Shared Data Banks

A Co-Relational Model of Data For Large Shared Data Banks

Contrary to popular belief, SQL and noSQL are really just two sides of the same coin.