The objective of Sora is to build a software defined radio that combines the performance and fidelity of hardware...Dina Katabi From Communications of the ACM | January 2011
The collection of computational problems having quantum interactive proof systems consists precisely of those problems solvable with an ordinary classical computer...Rahul Jain, Zhengfeng Ji, Sarvagya Upadhyay, John Watrous From Communications of the ACM | December 2010
It is now clear that for a wide range of problems, quantum computers offer little or no advantage over their classical counterparts.
Scott Aaronson From Communications of the ACM | December 2010
Compressive sampling (CoSa) is a new paradigm for developing data sampling technologies. The main computational challenge in CoSa is to reconstruct a compressible...Deanna Needell, Joel A. Tropp From Communications of the ACM | December 2010
You are given a large set of data values, and you are requested to compress, clean, recover, recognize, and/or predict...Michael Elad, Raja Giryes From Communications of the ACM | December 2010
Multithreaded programs are notoriously prone to race conditions. Prior work developed precise dynamic race detectors that never report false alarms. However, these...Cormac Flanagan, Stephen N. Freund From Communications of the ACM | November 2010
GOLDILOCKS is a Java runtime that monitors program executions and throws a DataRaceException when a data race...Tayfun Elmas, Shaz Qadeer, Serdar Tasiran From Communications of the ACM | November 2010
Exploiting parallelism has become the primary means to higher performance. Shared memory is a pervasively used programming...Sarita Adve From Communications of the ACM | November 2010
Probabilistic graphical models and algorithms for approximate inference have proven to be powerful tools in a wide range of applications in statistics and AI. However...Erik B. Sudderth, Alexander T. Ihler, Michael Isard, William T. Freeman, Alan S. Willsky From Communications of the ACM | October 2010
Nearly every modern tracking system is based on the seminal work of Rudolf Kalman who developed the optimal...Yair Weiss, Judea Pearl From Communications of the ACM | October 2010
Virtual machine monitors are a popular platform for Internet hosting centers and cloud-based compute services. But main memory is not amenable to multiplexed hardware...Diwaker Gupta, Sangmin Lee, Michael Vrable, Stefan Savage, Alex C. Snoeren, George Varghese, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Amin Vahdat From Communications of the ACM | October 2010
The past decade has witnessed a renaissance in server virtualization. Diwaker Gupta et al. present a novel approach for significantly improving the efficiency of...Carl Waldspurger From Communications of the ACM | October 2010
In a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) the goal is to find an assignment of a given set of variables subject to specified constraints. A global cardinality...Andrei A. Bulatov, Dániel Marx From Communications of the ACM | September 2010
It takes little imagination to come up with a wealth of problems in scheduling and planning that can be expressed asConstraint Satisfaction...Mark Jerrum From Communications of the ACM | September 2010
Privacy Integrated Queries (PINQ) is an extensible data analysis platform designed to provide unconditional privacy guarantees for the records of the underlying...Frank McSherry From Communications of the ACM | September 2010
Government agencies worldwide release statistical information about population, education, and health, crime...Johannes Gehrke From Communications of the ACM | September 2010
Static program analysis techniques cannot know certain values, such as the value of user input or network state, at analysis...Isil Dillig, Thomas Dillig, Alex Aiken From Communications of the ACM | August 2010
You are given a program. Will it crash? Is it subject to a spoofing, buffer overflow, or injection attack? Is this part of...Fritz Henglein From Communications of the ACM | August 2010
Lightweight, embedded Web servers are soon about to outnumber regular Internet Web servers. We reveal a series of attacks that target...Hristo Bojinov, Elie Bursztein, Dan Boneh From Communications of the ACM | August 2010
A system is secure only if the entire system is secure. While this may sound obvious, achieving total security throughout a system is rarely trivial when you consider...Helen Wang From Communications of the ACM | August 2010