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Communications of the ACM



World Wide Mush
From Putting People First

World Wide Mush

In his new book, “You Are Not A Gadget,” online pioneer Jaron Lanier explains how the Internet has gone off course. In this Wall Street Journal, he summarises the...

Design for sustainable behaviour (part 2)
From Putting People First

Design for sustainable behaviour (part 2)

A range of other researchers have also published papers on the topic of design for sustainable behaviour. Twenty papers were presented at the CHI 2009 Workshop,...

Design for sustainable behaviour (part 1)
From Putting People First

Design for sustainable behaviour (part 1)

Dan Lockton, a Ph.D. researcher at Brunel University (UK), has together with professors David Harrison and Neville Stanton, recently published a range of papers...

The false question of attention economics
From Putting People First

The false question of attention economics

A few posts have emerged recently that recapitulate the well-worn arguments of attention scarcity and information overload in the real-time social web, so Stowe...

The Internet is Africa
From Putting People First

The Internet is Africa

Publishing Perspectives reports on a recent panel discussion on the African publishing industry at this year

Greenpeace guide to greener electronics
From Putting People First

Greenpeace guide to greener electronics

Greenpeace’s Guide to Greener Electronics provides an evaluation of “the 18 top manufacturers of personal computers, mobile phones, TVs and games consoles according...

Irish initiative to help SME
From Putting People First

Irish initiative to help SME

A new pilot programme from InterTradeIreland is aimed at assisting small and medium-sized firms, initially in the civil security sector, to innovate and meet identified...

Experientia article on emerging markets research in Interfaces Magazine
From Putting People First

Experientia article on emerging markets research in Interfaces Magazine

The latest issue of Interfaces Magazine, a quarterly magazine published by Interaction, the specialist HCI group of the British Computer Society (BCS), contains...

A Creative Commons inspired barter market in Turin, Italy
From Putting People First

A Creative Commons inspired barter market in Turin, Italy

Two articles from today’s La Stampa newspaper (translation by Mark Vanderbeeken, Experientia): Bargains without money Luca Indemni – Fabrizio Vespa “Leave your...

Mobile experts on 2020 trends
From Putting People First

Mobile experts on 2020 trends

Rudy De Waele, co-founder of dotopen, invited a number of mobile experts — including Howard Rheingold, Douglas Rushkoff, Katrin Verclas, Willem Boijens, Fabien...

Kenya: Taking money out of banks
From Putting People First

Kenya: Taking money out of banks

Since cellphones became widely used in Kenya five years ago, they’ve become the bank card du jour. The Christian Science Monitor reports. “[In Kenya] with a mobile...

In praise of design-hacking
From Putting People First

In praise of design-hacking

The Design & Society group within the UK’s Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) has published a pamphlet by Scott Burnham...

How the mobile Internet could change everything
From Putting People First

How the mobile Internet could change everything

The ubiquity of mobile phones and the growth of the internet will converge in the next decade. Luke Allnutt of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty thinks this is good...

Will the new mobile era change the world for the better? MIT says
From Putting People First

Will the new mobile era change the world for the better? MIT says

At MIT teams of the Media Lab’s Next Billion Network – our next generation of tech movers and shakers – are exploring new ways to harness the increasingly ubiquitous...

Design for relevance
From Putting People First

Design for relevance

Harald Lamberts, Head of User Experience for Internet Services & Handsets at the Vodafone Group, wrote a thoughtful viewpoint article on DMI on the issue of relevance...

From Putting People First

The Trill Centre is a project by Intel, Ireland’s Industrial Development Agency (IDA), and academic partners including Trinity College Dublin, University College...

Latest issue of Interactions Magazine now available
From Putting People First

Latest issue of Interactions Magazine now available

The January-February edition of Interactions Magazine — exploring the evolving nature of experiences, people and technology — is online and some articles are available...

Race shapes teen Facebook and MySpace adoption, says danah boyd
From Putting People First

Race shapes teen Facebook and MySpace adoption, says danah boyd

Two years ago, ethnographer danah boyd had the blogosphere abuzz with her look at class-based divisions between teens on MySpace and Facebook, writes Dana Oshiro...

The Apparatgeist calls
From Putting People First

The Apparatgeist calls

How you use your mobile phone has long reflected where you live. But the spirit of the machines may be wiping away cultural differences, claims The Economist. The...

Now even medical doctors are launching design firms
From Putting People First

Now even medical doctors are launching design firms

Jay Parkinson, MD, MPH, is a doctor in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who uses his experience in both clinical and preventive medicine to design consumer experiences and...
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