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Communications of the ACM



Identifying emerging trends at Nokia
From Putting People First

Identifying emerging trends at Nokia

Nokia, the world’s biggest mobile phone maker, faces increasing competition from the likes of Apple and Google Android. Identifying emerging trends and building...

Nokia on life among the clouds
From Putting People First

Nokia on life among the clouds

Nafid Imran Ahmed of the Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star was just at “The Way We Live Next 3.0″ event in Helsinki and reports on the company’s vision of the...

Terry Winograd video interview
From Putting People First

Terry Winograd video interview

Terry Winograd, the famous human-computer interaction specialist, was interviewed for Digital Revolution (working title), an open source documentary, due for transmission...

Beyond the experience: In search of an operative paradigm for the industrialisation of services
From Putting People First

Beyond the experience: In search of an operative paradigm for the industrialisation of services

Nicola Morelli (blog), an associate professor at the School of Architecture and Design at Aalborg University in Denmark, reflects on the two inspirations for a...

Interaction design for specialised tasks
From Putting People First

Interaction design for specialised tasks

Mikkel Michelsen discusses the core differences between specialised use contexts and the mainstream use of a mass consumer product, and tries to answer the questions...

Will consumers plug into home energy displays?
From Putting People First

Will consumers plug into home energy displays?

Dozens of home energy monitors are coming to market, but nobody knows whether only hybrid Prius owners will use them. Martin LaMonica reports on CNet News. “The...

User-driven innovation in Denmark
From Putting People First

User-driven innovation in Denmark

Some English language websites, blogs, articles and publications updating on what Denmark is doing on user-driven innovation: Is Denmark a lead user of user driven...

How understanding the human mind might save the world from CO2
From Putting People First

How understanding the human mind might save the world from CO2

What will solve climate change? Will it be technology? Policy? A growing number of researchers and activists say it’s what’s behind it all: people. And understanding...

EU ministers: accessible, interactive and customised online public services in Europe by 2015
From Putting People First

EU ministers: accessible, interactive and customised online public services in Europe by 2015

EU press release (link): EU ministers have committed to developing smarter online public services for citizens and businesses by 2015. The Commission has welcomed...

Designing social interfaces: overview and practical techniques
From Putting People First

Designing social interfaces: overview and practical techniques

Dmitry Fadeyev, founder of the Usability Post blog, wrote an article for Smashing Magazine “to demonstrate the power of social interface design”. he standard approach...

Various articles on the power of the mobile phone in emerging markets
From Putting People First

Various articles on the power of the mobile phone in emerging markets

A number of articles illustrate the power of the mobile phone in emerging markets: What next after the Mobile revolution in Kenya? by John Karanja MPESA will be...

Report on Service Design Network conference 2009
From Putting People First

Report on Service Design Network conference 2009

Lucy Kimbell, who is a Clark Fellow in Design Leadership at Sa

Book: Prototyping, a practitioner
From Putting People First

Book: Prototyping, a practitioner

Prototyping A Practitioner’s Guide to Prototyping By Todd Zaki Warfel Rosenfeld Media, November 2009 Available in paperback and digital package (1-933820-21-7),...

Recipes for disaster
From Putting People First

Recipes for disaster

Over the last months Experientia collaborator Irene Cassarino has been working intensively on the preparation of Experientia’s Low2No project in Helsinki, Finland...

Meet Microsoft
From Putting People First

Meet Microsoft

Microsoft Corp. is counting on Ms. Larson-Green, its head of Windows Experience, to deliver an operating system that delights the world’s PC users as much as its...

Nokia has designs on India
From Putting People First

Nokia has designs on India

Nokia’s senior design specialists are touring India to discover how Indians use cellphones. Leslie D’Monte reports for New Delhi’s Business Standard. Jhanvi Madan...

The social dimension of environmental sustainability
From Putting People First

The social dimension of environmental sustainability

Experientia collaborator Irene Cassarino went yesterday to the international “The social dimension of environmental sustainability

Singapore on design possibilities for tomorrow
From Putting People First

Singapore on design possibilities for tomorrow

The Singapore Design Festival, running November 20-30, now themed “Design 2050: Possibilities for Tomorrow,” , is also continuing its quest to improve people’s...

Matt Webb presentation at UX Week 2009 (video)
From Putting People First

Matt Webb presentation at UX Week 2009 (video)

Matt Webb of Berg was one of the speakers at UX Week 2009, a conference in San Francisco organised by Adapative Path. In his presentation “Design Is In Your Hands...

Designing for a sustainable world
From Putting People First

Designing for a sustainable world

To celebrate World Usability Day 2009, System Concepts has put together a video podcast exploring how different stakeholders can enhance the user experience of...
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