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Communications of the ACM



Health as a social movement
From Putting People First

Health as a social movement

Last week, the UK innovation charity Nesta launched a new report, Health as a Social Movement: The Power of People in Movements. It illuminates the value and role...

[Book] The Stuff of Bits
From Putting People First

[Book] The Stuff of Bits

The Stuff of Bits – An Essay on the Materialities of Information By Paul Dourish MIT Press, April 2017 264 pages The central topic of The Stuff of Bits is the materialities...

Three new reports on behavioural science applied to policy making
From Putting People First

Three new reports on behavioural science applied to policy making

European Commission There is growing recognition that behavioural insights (BIs) by shedding light on how people actually make choices help deliver more effective...

[Book] The Cyber Effect
From Putting People First

[Book] The Cyber Effect

The Cyber Effect: A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online Dr. Mary Aiken Spiegel & Grau, August 2016 400 pages A groundbreaking...

Better decisions by design: applied behavioral science
From Putting People First

Better decisions by design: applied behavioral science

Can we design a decision aid that gives us health information we need and counters our biases so that we end up more knowledgeable and confident in our preference...

Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tesanovic on the home of the future
From Putting People First

Bruce Sterling and Jasmina Tesanovic on the home of the future

Jasmina Tesanovic (previously) and Bruce Sterling did a residency at The Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination at UCSD (San Diego, USA), working with the...

Great engine, but the fuel seems poor. Discussing insight development in corporate marketing
From Putting People First

Great engine, but the fuel seems poor. Discussing insight development in corporate marketing

The September issue of the Harvard Business Review (HBR) contains a lengthy essay, entitled Building an Insights Engine, on how Unilever has created the organizational...

Cognitive bias cheat sheet
From Putting People First

Cognitive bias cheat sheet

Cognitive biases are tendencies to think in certain ways that can lead to systematic deviations from a standard of rationality or good judgment. Buster Benson has...

The 5 W’s of doing great user research
From Putting People First

The 5 W’s of doing great user research

Sarah Doody explains in a Frontify guest post, which questions you have to ask doing a user research. Why is a user research important? When should you do research...

[Paper] Design for behaviour change as a driver for sustainable innovation
From Putting People First

[Paper] Design for behaviour change as a driver for sustainable innovation

Design for Behaviour Change as a Driver for Sustainable Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation in the Private and Public Sectors Niedderer,...

Intel’s Todd Harple proposes new toolkit for fashion designers
From Putting People First

Intel’s Todd Harple proposes new toolkit for fashion designers

Fashion designers must integrate software, sensors, processors and new synthetic and biological materials into their toolkit, argues Intel anthropologist Todd...

Experientia discussing ethnography and patient-centricity at EPIC 2016
From Putting People First

Experientia discussing ethnography and patient-centricity at EPIC 2016

This week Experientia joins our colleagues and peers in Minneapolis at EPIC 2016, the premier international gathering on ethnography and design in industry. The...

New Human Centred Design toolkit launched for African context
From Putting People First

New Human Centred Design toolkit launched for African context

Future by Design, a Human Centred Design (HCD) and customer-centricity consultancy focused on the African continent, has produced an HCD Toolkit (download link)...

[Book] The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography
From Putting People First

[Book] The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography

The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography Edited by Larissa Hjorth, Heather Horst, Anne Galloway, Genevieve Bell Routledge, December 2016 536 pages With the...

The psychology of scarcity: what behavioral economics can teach design
From Putting People First

The psychology of scarcity: what behavioral economics can teach design

Eldar Shafir, professor of psychology and public affairs at Princeton University and coauthor, with Sendhil Mullainathan, of the book Scarcity: The New ScienceThe...

New book on how corporate anthropology can help businesses grow
From Putting People First

New book on how corporate anthropology can help businesses grow

On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights by Andi Simon PhD Greenleaf Book Group Press July 2016, 184 pages Abstract Innovation has become...

What does an anthropologist bring to autonomous driving design?
From Putting People First

What does an anthropologist bring to autonomous driving design?

From a Nissan press release (dated August 10, 2016) One profession you might not expect to find at the design table — anthropologist — is playing a key role inWhat...

[Book] The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age
From Putting People First

[Book] The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age

The Class: Living and Learning in the Digital Age Sonia Livingstone and Julian Sefton-Green New York University Press May 2016, 368 pages > Read online for free...

Why Mozilla conducts qualitative user research: the homophilic bubble
From Putting People First

Why Mozilla conducts qualitative user research: the homophilic bubble

Bill Selman, Lead UX researcher at Mozilla, starts this most inspiring post with a quote from a former colleague who now works for a major social network: You know...

Examining cultural need: discussing design anthropology with Amélie Lamont
From Putting People First

Examining cultural need: discussing design anthropology with Amélie Lamont

Designer Erin Lynch recently interviewed Amélie Lamont, a NYC-based design anthropologist, and the result is quite stimulating, particularly also on the topic gender...
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