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Communications of the ACM



Financial Times: the inflation enigma requires ethnographic analysis
From Putting People First

Financial Times: the inflation enigma requires ethnographic analysis

Gillian Tett is the Financial Times’ US Managing Editor, a very frequent writer, and an anthropologist. Her column this week unconventionally argues for on-the-ground...

Two appealing books by designer Robert Curedale
From Putting People First

Two appealing books by designer Robert Curedale

This morning we received two books by designer Robert Curedale (who seems to be an extremely productive writer): ​Comprehensive step-by-step Guide to Experience...

Five cognitive biases to avoid in user research
From Putting People First

Five cognitive biases to avoid in user research

Fabio Pereira of Australia’s Digital Transformation Office (DTO) explains why we need to be aware of our own biases and how they can affect user research (or “Discovery”...

Should financial advisors nudge their clients?
From Putting People First

Should financial advisors nudge their clients?

Should advisors nudge clients to make prudent saving and spending decisions, asks Morey Stettner in Investor’s Business Daily. Or should they step aside after educating...

Six more UX-related articles on PMLive
From Putting People First

Six more UX-related articles on PMLive

PMLiVE continues to inform us about UX approaches and developments in the pharmaceutical industry (older series of articles here): Why health psychology shouldSix...

Ford’s quest to remake itself into a master of UX
From Putting People First

Ford’s quest to remake itself into a master of UX

Ford, bastion of the old-school American economy, is now trying to recast itself as a company built around user experience. It’s finally trying to see its carsFord’s...

Let’s See What We Can Do: Designing Agency
From Putting People First

Let’s See What We Can Do: Designing Agency

In a Medium essay that we missed during the Christmas break, Dr Dan Lockton asks how we can invert ‘design for behaviour change’ and apply it from below, enabling...

GOV.AU is a ‘mental model’ of government
From Putting People First

GOV.AU is a ‘mental model’ of government

Leisa Reichelt, Head of Service Design of Australia’s Digital Transformation Office, explains how the research for the GOV.AU prototype showed that people are struggling...

[Book] The Smarter Screen
From Putting People First

[Book] The Smarter Screen

The Smarter Screen: Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior by Shlomo Benartzi Penguin Random House October 2015, 256 pages A leading behavioral...

Behavioral modeling – Shaping cultural change and behavioral evolution
From Putting People First

Behavioral modeling – Shaping cultural change and behavioral evolution

One of the things we do here at Experientia that really sets us apart from other UX agencies is behavioral modeling. Our cognitive and behavioral models go beyond...

[Book] Small Data
From Putting People First

[Book] Small Data

Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends Hardcover by Martin Lindstrom February 23, 2016 St. Martin’s Press, 256 pages Martin Lindstrom, a modern-day...

How the World Bank is ‘nudging’ attitudes to health and hygiene
From Putting People First

How the World Bank is ‘nudging’ attitudes to health and hygiene

Many of the problems governments and NGOs in developing countries are trying to fix are at least partly behavioural. This is where nudge theory comes in. It isHow...

McKinsey on customer experience
From Putting People First

McKinsey on customer experience

McKinsey just published no leas than six articles on customer experience: From touchpoints to journeys: Seeing the world as customers do To maximize customer satisfaction...

Collaborative consumption: from value for users to a society with values
From Putting People First

Collaborative consumption: from value for users to a society with values

Four European Union consumers associations – OCU (Spain), Altroconsumo (Italy), DECO-Proteste (Portugal) and Test-Achats/Test Aankoop (Belgium) – in collaboration...

User research to improve public-government interactions in the U.S.
From Putting People First

User research to improve public-government interactions in the U.S.

The U.S. federal government needs to improve how it interacts with the public. Enter the Federal Front Door, an initiative to improve public-government interactions...

Why We Post: social media through the eyes of the world
From Putting People First

Why We Post: social media through the eyes of the world

Nine UCL anthropologists spent fifteen months living in nine communities around the world, researching the role, uses and consequences of social media in people’s...

How semiotic ethnography solved the riddle: What do chronic pain patients want?
From Putting People First

How semiotic ethnography solved the riddle: What do chronic pain patients want?

In this article Laura S. Oswald discusses the advantages of semiotic research methods for decoding consumer experiences and translating them into marketing strategy...

[Research paper] Do Europeans Like Nudges?
From Putting People First

[Research paper] Do Europeans Like Nudges?

Do Europeans Like Nudges? By Lucia A. Reisch (Copenhagen Business School) and Cass R. Sunstein (Harvard Law School) 29 February 2016, 37 pages Available at SSRN...

Singapore’s main newspaper on Experientia’s design with the elderly
From Putting People First

Singapore’s main newspaper on Experientia’s design with the elderly

Arti Mulchand reports in the Straits Times, Singapore’s main newspaper, on Experientia’s “Design for Ageing Gracefully” project: Putting faces to end-users early...

Design as Participation (Beyond User-Centered Design)
From Putting People First

Design as Participation (Beyond User-Centered Design)

In this long essay, published in MIT’s brand new Journal of Design and Science, Kevin Slavin argues that designers of complex adaptive systems are not strictlyDesign...
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