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[Book] Practical Empathy
From Putting People First

[Book] Practical Empathy

Practical Empathy: For Collaboration and Creativity in Your Work by Indi Young Rosenfeld Media, 2015 Synopsis Conventional product development focuses on the solution...

Bosch uses UX approach to spark enthusiasm for electric driving
From Putting People First

Bosch uses UX approach to spark enthusiasm for electric driving

Bosch, the German multinational engineering and electronics company, is applying a UX approach to help spark enthusiasm for electric driving, and to develop a “fascinating”...

Design prototypes for Nairobi, Kenya
From Putting People First

Design prototypes for Nairobi, Kenya

In 2014, Ericsson and UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) entered a three-year partnership with the intention to collaborate around Information...

Opportunities for UX innovation in wearables
From Putting People First

Opportunities for UX innovation in wearables

Until developers of wearable devices get the user experience down pat, the technology will struggle to gain adoption, writes Steve McPhilliamy on Medical Device...

Automotive sales could grow 24% if retail experience improved
From Putting People First

Automotive sales could grow 24% if retail experience improved

New ethnographic and quantitative research from DrivingSales identifies how the growing gap between consumer expectations and the current automotive buying process...

The future of loneliness
From Putting People First

The future of loneliness

As we moved our lives online, the internet promised an end to isolation. But can we find real intimacy amid shifting identities and permanent surveillance? A long...

Podcast interview with ethnographer Tricia Wang
From Putting People First

Podcast interview with ethnographer Tricia Wang

In this week’s Radar Podcast episode, O’Reilly’s Roger Magoulas chatted with Tricia Wang, a global tech ethnographer and co-founder of PL Data, about how qualitative...

The user experience of the car
From Putting People First

The user experience of the car

John Edson explains why the future of cars is about experience versus ownership. Three major shifts, he says, will move the car from a depreciating asset that every...

MIT Technology Review special report on persuasive technology
From Putting People First

MIT Technology Review special report on persuasive technology

The MIT Technology Review has just published a special business report on persuasive technology, i.e. how technologies from smartphones to social media are used...

More from on the role of ethnography and prototyping in policymaking
From Putting People First

More from on the role of ethnography and prototyping in policymaking

Two inspiring posts by Dr. Lucy Kimbell, a visiting Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Fellow at the UK-based Policy Lab, an experimental policy innovation...

Sharp methodological critiques on current Big Data practices
From Putting People First

Sharp methodological critiques on current Big Data practices

Two methodological critiques on Big Data that caught our attention: In the Financial Times, economist and journalist Tim Harford points out that sampling bias and...’s open policy making toolkit – practical guidance on ethnography and more
From Putting People First’s open policy making toolkit – practical guidance on ethnography and more

The open policy making toolkit is a practical guide to techniques that can help you make better policy. The toolkit, which brings together the latest techniques...

Sensemaking in organizations: Reflections on Karl Weick and social theory
From Putting People First

Sensemaking in organizations: Reflections on Karl Weick and social theory

Over the past couple of decades, a small number of psychologists, communication theorists, and organizational scientists have articulated ideas of sensemaking into...

How would drivers’ habits change in self-driving cars?
From Putting People First

How would drivers’ habits change in self-driving cars?

University of North Texas students, guided by Professor Christina Wasson and highly acclaimed corporate anthropologist Dr. Brigitte Jordan of Nissan’s ResearchHow...

Ethnographic research drives IKEA’s global success
From Putting People First

Ethnographic research drives IKEA’s global success

In a long Fortune Magazine article on IKEA’s successful global expansion, author Beth Kowitt devotes quite a few paragraphs to the importance of qualitative, ethnographic...

Presentations online of IEA energy efficiency behaviour workshop
From Putting People First

Presentations online of IEA energy efficiency behaviour workshop

The 11th and 12th of March, the International Energy Agency [IEA] in Paris hosted a workshop on energy efficiency and behaviour in the buildings sector. The goal...

Doctors are now inviting patients to help design their own medical treatment
From Putting People First

Doctors are now inviting patients to help design their own medical treatment

In many hospitals and clinics around the [USA], oncologists and surgeons simply tell cancer patients what treatments they should have, or at least give them strong...

UK report on consumer problems in the mobile phone market
From Putting People First

UK report on consumer problems in the mobile phone market

Calling the shots? is the title of a new Citizens Advice Bureau report that analyses consumer problems in the mobile phone market and explores opportunities for...

Measuring experience
From Putting People First

Measuring experience

Over the summer of 2014, Northstar, in collaboration with the London School of Economics, conducted an ethnographic study at the Royal Academy of Arts, exploring...

Design fiction personas illustrate possible impact of educational tech
From Putting People First

Design fiction personas illustrate possible impact of educational tech

People talk about the future of technology in education as though it’s right around the corner, but most of us get to that corner and see it disappearing around...
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