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Looking More Closely at a Voice Retail Channel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking More Closely at a Voice Retail Channel

Is Amazon’s Alexa a threat to rival retailers?The author starts a conversation remarking on how much her family has taken to voice ordering.     Does every kind...

A Doomsday Invention?
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Doomsday Invention?

Following up on my reading of Bostrom's book:  Superintelligence, this 2015 article.  My take on this is that the dangers are still decades away, but does needThe...

Intel Skylake Comes to Google Cloud Platform
From insideHPC

Intel Skylake Comes to Google Cloud Platform

Today the Google Cloud Platform announced that it is the first cloud provider to offer the next generation Intel Xeon processor, codenamed Skylake. "Skylake includes...

ADIOS 1.11 Middleware Moves I/O Framework from Research to Production
From insideHPC

ADIOS 1.11 Middleware Moves I/O Framework from Research to Production

The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has announced the latest release of its Adaptable I/O System (ADIOS), a middleware that speeds up scientific...

Artificial Intelligence: It’s No Longer Science Fiction
From insideHPC

Artificial Intelligence: It’s No Longer Science Fiction

"Computational science has come a long way with machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) in just the last year. Leading centers of high-performance computing...

Tech jobs are already largely automated
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Tech jobs are already largely automated

Lately, I have been reading a lot about the threat to computer jobs from automation. For example, we have AI systems that can write their own code. And billionaire...

New Beacons for Personalized Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Beacons for Personalized Service

Was recently asked to look at the status of beacon applications, new examples of increased 'intelligence' at play.New Beacon Company Brings Intelligence to In-Flight...

Beyond the Moore’s Law Cliff: The Next 1000X
From insideHPC

Beyond the Moore’s Law Cliff: The Next 1000X

In this video from the 2017 HPC Advisory Council Stanford Conference, Subhasish Mitra from Stanford presents: Beyond the Moore's Law Cliff: The Next 1000X. Professor...

Zebra SmartSense
From The Eponymous Pickle

Zebra SmartSense

This was brought to my attention.  Zebra SmartSense™ for Retail Helps Retailers Execute Successful Omnichannel Fulfillment Strategies.  " ... This innovative solution...

Palantir and the NSA
From Schneier on Security

Palantir and the NSA

The Intercept has a long article on the relationship between Palantir Technologies and the NSA, based on the Snowden documents....

SHA-1 Collision Found
From Schneier on Security

SHA-1 Collision Found

The first collision in the SHA-1 hash function has been found. This is not a surprise. We've all expected this for over a decade, watching computing power increase...

SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize Call, 2017
From My Biased Coin

SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize Call, 2017

Call for Nominations2017 SIGACT Distinguished Service Prize The Theory community benefits in many ways from the dedicated service, above and beyond the call of...

Superintelligence Considered
From The Eponymous Pickle

Superintelligence Considered

Quite late, but making my way through the well known Superintelligence book by Nick Bostrom. Some quite fascinating statistics of the futurist kind that are worth...

What to Expect from AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

What to Expect from AI

What to Expect from AI.  Reasonably good overview from MIT Sloan Review.  An executive overview,  some registration required for the full report.  " ... To understand...

Role of Dialog Talk
From The Eponymous Pickle

Role of Dialog Talk

From Today's talk:Murray Campbell on  “The Role of Dialog in Augmented Intelligence”   IBM ResearchSlides.    Talk recording. 

Job of the Week: GPU Performance Analysis Architect at Nvidia
From insideHPC

Job of the Week: GPU Performance Analysis Architect at Nvidia

Nvidia is seeking a GPU Performance Analysis Architect in our Job of the Week. "The NVIDIA GPU Compute Architecture group is seeking world-class architects to analyze...

Applications Now Open for Student Volunteers at SC17 Conference
From insideHPC

Applications Now Open for Student Volunteers at SC17 Conference

Applications are now being accepted for the Student Volunteers program at the SC17 conference to be held Nov. 12-17 in Denver. Both undergraduate and graduate students...

Video: Multi-Physics Methods, Modeling, Simulation & Analysis
From insideHPC

Video: Multi-Physics Methods, Modeling, Simulation & Analysis

"Through multiscale simulation of the circulatory system, it is now possible to model this surgery and optimize it using the state of the art optimization techniques...

Jennifer Chayes from Microsoft Research to Keynote ISC 2017
From insideHPC

Jennifer Chayes from Microsoft Research to Keynote ISC 2017

Today ISC 2017 announced that data scientist, Prof. Dr. Jennifer Tour Chayes from Microsoft Research will give the opening keynote at the conference. “I'll discuss...

NSF and Big Data Hubs Receive Cloud Credits for Big Data Research
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF and Big Data Hubs Receive Cloud Credits for Big Data Research

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced that Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, and Microsoft will participate in it’s new Critical Techniques,...
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