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Communications of the ACM



Video: State of Linux Containers
From insideHPC

Video: State of Linux Containers

"Linux Containers gain more and more momentum in all IT ecosystems. This talk provides an overview about what happened in the container landscape (in particular...

Danger of Devices like Alexa to Security
From The Eponymous Pickle

Danger of Devices like Alexa to Security

Have been a user and experimenter with Alexa, Google Home and Cortana since their introduction.   Been asked about privacy implications.  Agency thoughts were recently...

Driverless Trucks Leads to Need for More Drivers?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Driverless Trucks Leads to Need for More Drivers?

In Supply Chain Digest, some unexpected indications?Why Driverless Trucks May Create the Need for More DriversLess Expensive Transportation may Lead to More Local...

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – February 2017
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Global Technology Policy Newsletter – February 2017

ACM PUBLIC POLICY HIGHLIGHTS ACM seeks to educate policymakers, the computing community, and the public about policies that will that foster and accelerate innovations...

Amazon Estimating Age with AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Estimating Age with AI

In the Verge:   Estimating age from images:   " ... Amazon’s latest artificial intelligence tool is a piece of image recognition software that can learn to guess...

Intel Rolls Out BigDL Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark
From insideHPC

Intel Rolls Out BigDL Deep Learning Library for Apache Spark

Today Intel announced the open-source BigDL, a Distributed Deep Learning Library for the Apache Spark* open-source cluster-computing framework. “BigDL is an open...

Job of the Week: Research Systems and Application Administrator at University of Oregon
From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Research Systems and Application Administrator at University of Oregon

"The University of Oregon (UO) High Performance Computing Research Core Facility (HPCRCF) seeks experienced applicants for the position of Research Systems andJob...

Amazon Consults on Your Smart Home
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Consults on Your Smart Home

Amazon offers to consult on setting up your smart home.   In Retailwire." ... has rolled out a new service on the West Coast, which offers free in-home...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Communication through Skin Patterns
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Communication through Skin Patterns

Interesting research. (Popular article here.) As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.....

How an AI Won at Poker
From The Eponymous Pickle

How an AI Won at Poker

In Engadget:  How the AI won in a game with very high uncertainty.  Intriguing with lots of detail. How might this be carried over to the business operations world...

Target Cuts Back on Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Target Cuts Back on Innovation

Target shelves robot store and secret e-commerce start-up   by George Anderson, In Retailwire:Target is cutting back on its innovation project plans to concentrate...

Lots of good stuff in there.
From The Noisy Channel

Lots of good stuff in there.

Of course, the most annoying thing is an unexpected, unsolicited phone call. Once I’ve determined that it’s a legitimate aggressive sales… Continue reading on ...

Global HPC Centers Form Accelerated Computing Institute
From insideHPC

Global HPC Centers Form Accelerated Computing Institute

Leaders in hybrid accelerated HPC in the United States, Japan, and Switzerland have signed a memorandum of understanding establishing an international institute...

CSIS's Cybersecurity Agenda
From Schneier on Security

CSIS's Cybersecurity Agenda

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) published "From Awareness to Action: A Cybersecurity Agenda for the 45th President" (press release here)...

Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions Group Teams with Bright Computing
From insideHPC

Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions Group Teams with Bright Computing

"We are very excited to be working closely with Bright Computing to bring its supercomputing software tools to the embedded Aerospace & Defense market as part of...

Shahin Khan Presents: Hot Technology Topics in 2017
From insideHPC

Shahin Khan Presents: Hot Technology Topics in 2017

Shahin Khan from OrionX presented this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. "From BitCoins and AltCoins to Design Thinking, Autonomous tech and the changing nature...

AI's Cooperating
From The Eponymous Pickle

AI's Cooperating

Perhaps the most important question of all,  both in the relatively simplistic sense of assistants cooperating with us, and the much deeper sense of working together...

Coposky and Russell Tapped to Lead iRODS Consortium
From insideHPC

Coposky and Russell Tapped to Lead iRODS Consortium

Industry veterans Jason Coposky and Terrell Russell have taken lead roles at the membership-based foundation that leads development and support of the integrated...

CCC Council Member Kathy Yelick Elected to the National Academy of Engineering
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Council Member Kathy Yelick Elected to the National Academy of Engineering

This week the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) announced that they had elected 84 new members and 22 new foreign members. This brings the total U.S. membership...

Software Developers–Quantity vs Quality
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Software Developers–Quantity vs Quality

Today is a snow day here in New Hampshire. My third one this week. So I have taken care of most of the errands I use snow days to take care of and have some time...
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