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Communications of the ACM



A New Focus on Diversity and Inclusivity at SC16
From insideHPC

A New Focus on Diversity and Inclusivity at SC16

In this special guest feature, Kim McMahon writes that SC16 will reflect a concerted effort to improve diversity and inclusivity at the conference. "If you want...

Another Shadow Brokers Leak
From Schneier on Security

Another Shadow Brokers Leak

There's another leak of NSA hacking tools and data from the Shadow Brokers. This one includes a list of hacked sites. According to analyses from researchers here...

Google Explore in Docs using Semantics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Explore in Docs using Semantics

Google continues to move towards business useful business Apps and intelligence.  This has similarities to 'Research' in Word.  Reminds us of looking at 'remembrance...

Blockchain Taken Beyond Bitcoin
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain Taken Beyond Bitcoin

Good non-technical detail about the direction and potential.Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin  By Sarah Underwood Communications of the ACM, Vol. 59 No. 11, Pages 15-17...

Computational Biologist Klaus Schulten passes away
From insideHPC

Computational Biologist Klaus Schulten passes away

Klaus Schulten, professor of physics and Beckman Institute faculty member for nearly 25 years, has died after an illness. Klaus Schulten was a frequent speakerComputational...

NSF Announces New Program to Support Institutes for Theoretical Foundations of Data Science
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Announces New Program to Support Institutes for Theoretical Foundations of Data Science

The following is a guest blog post by Tracy Kimbrel, Program Director, in Computing and Communication Foundations and Gera Jochum, Communications Specialist, in...

Interview: John Gustafson on Technology Disruption and the StartupHPC Workshop
From insideHPC

Interview: John Gustafson on Technology Disruption and the StartupHPC Workshop

John Gustafson from A*Star will keynote the third annual StartupHPC Workshop on Nov 14 in Salt Lake City with a talk on Technology Disruption. Known to many inInterview...

SGI Awarded $27M Systems Contract with ARL
From insideHPC

SGI Awarded $27M Systems Contract with ARL

Today, SGI announced that the United States Department of Defense (DoD) has selected SGI ICE XA for two of its Army Research Laboratory Defense Supercomputing Resource...

Cray CS6400 Supercomputer Coming to Baylor University
From insideHPC

Cray CS6400 Supercomputer Coming to Baylor University

Today Cray announced that Baylor University has selected a Cray CS400 cluster supercomputer, further demonstrating its commitment to transformative research. The...

DDN to Demonstrate Latest HPC Technology at SC16
From insideHPC

DDN to Demonstrate Latest HPC Technology at SC16

Today DDN announced plans to showcase innovations in HPC leadership at SC16 in Salt Lake City. DDN will feature and demonstrate new advancements in flash for HPC...

Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin
From The Eponymous Pickle

Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin

Good, Non technical piece in the CACM.   By Sarah UnderwoodCommunications of the ACM, Vol. 59 No. 11, Pages 15-17" ... Blockchain Technology has attracted attention...

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Completes Acquisition of SGI
From insideHPC

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Completes Acquisition of SGI

Today Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced that it has completed its acquisition of SGI, a global leader in high performance solutions for compute, data analytics...

Transforming Analytics to Core Business Model
From The Eponymous Pickle

Transforming Analytics to Core Business Model

Well done,  having followed this the beginning of the career, I agree.  We tried to make it in to a 'competency', but it always seemed that too few people wanted...

A Measuring Pen
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Measuring Pen

Once had a job where I had to do lots of measurements, and this would have been great.  Still in progress.Smart pen measures the dimensions of virtually any object...

China Rating Everyone
From The Eponymous Pickle

China Rating Everyone

A plan to organize Chinese society by rating everyone.  In the CACM: " ... Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses...

More G Suite
From The Eponymous Pickle

More G Suite

Note also the integration with Slack.  Putting together workplace capabilities.  Thinking lists.  Competing with Microsoft Google is turning spreadsheets, documents...

Fuel Your Insight with Intel Multiple SC16 Engagement Opportunities
From insideHPC

Fuel Your Insight with Intel Multiple SC16 Engagement Opportunities

SC16 is just around the corner and there so much to explore. On suggestion is to visit with Intel learn how you can power your breakthrough innovations and discoveries...

New report on service design impact in public sector
From Putting People First

New report on service design impact in public sector

In this free report (pdf, 109 pages), the Service Design Network – in collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency – has identified five different areas...

Card Game Based on the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
From Schneier on Security

Card Game Based on the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma


Poison Pills and Antidots: Inoculating Relevance Feedback
From Mostafa Dehghani

Poison Pills and Antidots: Inoculating Relevance Feedback

"Poison Pills and Antidots: Inoculating Relevance Feedback", an article published in Amsterdam Science Magazine as one of the cool contributions of our CIKM2016...
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