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Analog Methods for AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analog Methods for AI

Came into computing at the very end of analog computing systems being taught.     I remember asking why,  and got the answer that they were being replaced by digital...

The Intelligent Industrial Revolution
From insideHPC

The Intelligent Industrial Revolution

"Over the past six weeks, we took NVIDIA’s developer conference on a world tour. The GPU Technology Conference (GTC) was started in 2009 to foster a new approach...

Solving the Problem of AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Solving the Problem of AI

Stanford's Fei Fei Li Looks to Solve the Problem of Artificial IntelligenceRight after the Startup of the Year competition finished, Fei Fei Li, the director of...

Defining Cognitive Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Defining Cognitive Computing

I like to see what the definitions, and thus perceptions of new technologies are from varied kinds of customers. Here from Customerthink.

Washington's version of Silicon Valley startup founders
From Technology News

Washington's version of Silicon Valley startup founders

The Obama administration's "18F" program to create its own version of a high-tech startup for government digital projects has foundered since its launch in 2014...

Report: Gunmen still control metals mined for modern gadgets
From Technology News

Report: Gunmen still control metals mined for modern gadgets

Violent gunmen still menace pick-and-shovel miners in eastern Congo, a new report finds, despite years of efforts to loosen their grip by local reformers, Western...

Marketing with a Watson Bot: GSK: Cough and Cold Pharma
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing with a Watson Bot: GSK: Cough and Cold Pharma

An example of a bot style interaction with a product.   Using IBM Watson as a means to provide natural language, cognitive knowledge.  Again recall our Mr Clean...

From Computational Complexity

Exaggeration is one thing but this is....

This website is about the history of math and lists famous mathematicians. The ones from the 20th century are biased towards logic, but you should go there yourself...

UK Admitting "Offensive Cyber" Against ISIS/Daesh
From Schneier on Security

UK Admitting "Offensive Cyber" Against ISIS/Daesh

I think this might be the first time it has been openly acknowledged: Sir Michael Fallon, the defence secretary, has said Britain is using cyber warfare in the...

Department of Transportation SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Training Webinars
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Department of Transportation SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Training Webinars

The Department of Transportation is holding a series of webinars developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)’s Safety Training and Analysis Center (STAC)...

Cancer: From Biology to Computer Science

Cancer: From Biology to Computer Science

October is the breast cancer awareness month. Cancer is classified as a genetic disease caused by the abnormal cell division that destroy body tissue. Wait! Cell...

Considering the Correctness of AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Considering the Correctness of AI

More from Cambridge University and the newly formed Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI):    Artificial intelligence: computer says YES (but is...

Beware of Rating People Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beware of Rating People Online

Not usually a follower of this, but happened on this bitingly vicious satirical look at the online 'ratings' game for people and businesses.   Exaggerated, as all...

Thomas Schulthess to Present Goals and Baselines for Exascale at SC16
From insideHPC

Thomas Schulthess to Present Goals and Baselines for Exascale at SC16

Next month at SC16, Dr. Thomas Schulthess from CSCS in Switzerland will present a talk entitled “Reflecting on the Goal and Baseline for Exascale Computing.” The...

Students Learn HPC at ARL Supercomputing Summer Institute
From insideHPC

Students Learn HPC at ARL Supercomputing Summer Institute

The DOD High Performance Computing Program and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) hosted the Supercomputing Summer Institute July 18-29, 2016, at AberdeenStudents...

ORNL Celebrates 4 Years of the Titan Supercomputer
From insideHPC

ORNL Celebrates 4 Years of the Titan Supercomputer

Oak Ridge National Lab is celebrating the fourth birthday of Titan, the fastest supercomputer in the U.S. that is currently ranked at #3 on the TOP500. "To celebrate...

BSC Joins OpenPOWER Foundation
From insideHPC

BSC Joins OpenPOWER Foundation

The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) has joined the OpenPOWER Foundation. The news will be part of a keynote address by BSC Director, Mateo Valero at the OpenPOWER...

Alexa Design Studio
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Design Studio

Elev8  Alexa Application Design StudioInteresting claims to allow the development of Alexa skills without programming for home or business use.  Local company here...

Interesting Links 24 October 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 24 October 2016

The two big news event around computer science last week were the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Dyn and the release of the new K-12 Computer Science...

Radio Free HPC Previews the SC16 Student Cluster Competition
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Previews the SC16 Student Cluster Competition

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team previews the SC16 Student Cluster Competition. To get us primed up, Dan gives us his impressions of the 14 teams competing...
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