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Communications of the ACM



The psychology of scarcity: what behavioral economics can teach design
From Putting People First

The psychology of scarcity: what behavioral economics can teach design

Eldar Shafir, professor of psychology and public affairs at Princeton University and coauthor, with Sendhil Mullainathan, of the book Scarcity: The New ScienceThe...

Cisco and Retailer of the Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cisco and Retailer of the Future

In the Cisco Blog:" ... More than ever before, today’s consumers have more options about what to buy and where to buy it. With each interaction, they choose which...

New book on how corporate anthropology can help businesses grow
From Putting People First

New book on how corporate anthropology can help businesses grow

On the Brink: A Fresh Lens to Take Your Business to New Heights by Andi Simon PhD Greenleaf Book Group Press July 2016, 184 pages Abstract Innovation has become...

Post K Supercomputer Delayed in Japan
From insideHPC

Post K Supercomputer Delayed in Japan

Nikkei in Japan writes that the Post K supercomputer is facing 1-2 year delay for deployment as part of the Flagship2020 project. Originally targeted for completion...

Wal-Mart and Jet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart and Jet

Podcast on Knowledge@Wharton:" .... Wal-Mart this week brought more muscle to its competition with Amazon by buying online shopping site Wal-Mart Stores...

AWS IoT Button
From The Eponymous Pickle

AWS IoT Button

Had heard of this recently, but just started to take a look.   Like the Dash buttons I still have in test for retail.  Consider it for the simple acquisition of...

Microsoft Flow
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Flow

On the arrival of Microsoft's IFTTT competitior, Flow.  Note the connection to Slack.  Examining. "... Flow works much the same way as IFTTT but focuses more heavily...

Still Looking for Full Featured Smart Mirrors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Still Looking for Full Featured Smart Mirrors

We featured the idea, and saw it at other consumer innovation labs a decade ago.  Mostly it dealt with using the mirror for cosmetics options and delivering basic...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Not Killing New Zealand Sea Lions
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Not Killing New Zealand Sea Lions

Experts are blaming bacteria, not squid nets....

Radio Free HPC Looks at HPE’s Pending Acquisition of SGI
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Looks at HPE’s Pending Acquisition of SGI

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks HPE's pending acquisition of SGI. "Will the acquisition be good for SGI and HP customers? Our RFHPC team is in unprecedented...

California may beef up electric vehicle mandate
From Technology News

California may beef up electric vehicle mandate

A California lawmaker told The Associated Press on Friday that she's introducing legislation to require that 15 percent of new vehicles be emission-free in less...

Cyberattacks via Submarine
From Schneier on Security

Cyberattacks via Submarine

Some minimal information about the NSA's abilities to hack networks via submarine....

User Friendly and Visual Simulation Langauge
From The Eponymous Pickle

User Friendly and Visual Simulation Langauge

In the MIT News,  Faster and friendlier ... and thus more easily testable and maintainable, is always of interest.  Note the direct link to the visualization of...

Retailers and Brands Leverage Omnishopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Retailers and Brands Leverage Omnishopping

Makes sense, brand can leverage product value and other marketing.  Link may require free registration. Why retailers, brands should team up in the omnishopping...

New Report Looks at European Exascale Projects
From insideHPC

New Report Looks at European Exascale Projects

"Between 2011 and 2016, eight projects, with a total budget of more than €50 Million, were selected for this first push in the direction of the next- generation...

Video: The Impact of the Computing and Data Revolution on Science an Society
From insideHPC

Video: The Impact of the Computing and Data Revolution on Science an Society

Ed Seidel from NCSA presented this talk at The Digital Future conference in Berlin. "The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) is a hub of transdisciplinary...

Nvidia Expands GTC to Eight Global Events
From insideHPC

Nvidia Expands GTC to Eight Global Events

Nvidia is expanding its popular GPU Technology Conference to eight cities worldwide. "We’re broadening the reach of GTC with a series of conferences in eight cities...

Hacking Electronic Safes
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Electronic Safes

Nice attack against electronic safes: Plore used side-channel attacks to pull it off. These are ways of exploiting physical indicators from a cryptographic system...

Build a Chat Bot in 10 Minutes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Build a Chat Bot in 10 Minutes

Though this is not quite the depth of conversation and language that I implied in my previous thoughts, it does represent some aspects of conversation like flow...

What is AI?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What is AI?

Good piece in O'Reilly.  Non technical, speculative, good thoughts.What is Artificial Intelligence?Mike Loukides and Ben Lorica examine factors that have made AI...
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