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Video: Why We Need More Women in HPC
From insideHPC

Video: Why We Need More Women in HPC

In this video, Dr. Toni Collis from the Women in HPC community presents: The Importance of Grace and Why We Need More Women in HPC. "The underrepresentation ofVideo...

NSF Watch Talk- Welcome to the Panopticon(s)
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Watch Talk- Welcome to the Panopticon(s)

The next WATCH talk, called Welcome to the Panopticon(s) is Thursday, June 16th, 2016 from Noon-1pm EDT. The presenter will be Nicholas Weaver. He received a B.A...

InsideHPC Guide To Flexible HPC
From insideHPC

InsideHPC Guide To Flexible HPC

While all users of HPC technology want the fastest performance available, price and power consumption always seem to come into play, whether in the initial planning...

1998 ATLAS Paper Wins SC16 Test of Time Award
From insideHPC

1998 ATLAS Paper Wins SC16 Test of Time Award

SC16 has announced the winner of their Test of Time Award. This year the winning paper "Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software" by Clint Whaley and Jack Dongarra...

The strange case of the copyright of open-source software
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The strange case of the copyright of open-source software

Economists make a grave mistake when they fail to mention open-source software as one of the critical innovation of our era. Open-source software offers a great...

Talk on Using Retail Beacons
From The Eponymous Pickle

Talk on Using Retail Beacons

In Retailwire: " ... There is hope for in-store beacons yet, but the primary ways retailers have been implementing them thus far have been the wrong ones. ThatIn...

NSA Using Insecure Word Macros
From Schneier on Security

NSA Using Insecure Word Macros

There's an interesting message in the documents about Snowden that Vice magazine got out of the NSA with a FOIA request. At least in 2012, the NSA was using Word...

ISC to Livestream Student Cluster Awards Ceremony
From insideHPC

ISC to Livestream Student Cluster Awards Ceremony

ISC 2016 is only a week away, and the conference expects to host over 3000 supercomputing professionals from around the world. To bring some of the highlights home...

Interesting Links 13 June 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 13 June 2016

School is out for the summer! Well it is for me as of noon today. Teacher wrap up but my grades are in and my room is cleaned up for the summer. Looking forward...

Recency Bias in Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Recency Bias in Big Data

In the BBC:  Good points made.    " .... There’s a counter-intuitive downside to collecting vast amounts of information about economics and human behaviour: it This...

Amazon Audible Team
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Audible Team

Have examined various kinds of audible experiences, including book reading online.  Here is the Audible team from Amazon.

Adding AI to the Development Mix
From The Eponymous Pickle

Adding AI to the Development Mix

Now have been involved in several 'next generation' examination of AI and development systems, and understanding is itself still lacking.DevOps increasingly embracing...

Nominations solicitied for the CSHOF
From CERIAS Blog

Nominations solicitied for the CSHOF

The nomination cycle for the 2016 induction into the Cyber Security Hall of Fame is now open. Details on the nomination procedure are available online. Nominations...

Nominations solicitied for the CSHOF
From CERIAS Blog

Nominations solicitied for the CSHOF

The nomination cycle for the 2016 induction into the Cyber Security Hall of Fame is now open. Details on the nomination procedure are available online. Nominations...

From Computational Complexity

When does n divide a_n in this sequence?

Consider the following sequence: a(1)=0 a(2)=2 a(3)=3 for all n ≥ 4  a(n) = a(n-2)+a(n-3) Here is a table of a(n) for 2 ≤ n ≤ 23 n       2     3     4    ...

Addressing Cognitive Overload
From The Eponymous Pickle

Addressing Cognitive Overload

Via David Ing, in CSIG.   We are all expeiencing overload, produced in part by the very systems that are meant to augment us.Cognitive overload as business opportunity...

Case Studies for the IOT
From The Eponymous Pickle

Case Studies for the IOT

This from IOT Central.    These are fairly obvious examples, and lack much depth regarding the specific issues each industry involves.  But is worth a scan forJoin...

Tele Cooking, Personal Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tele Cooking, Personal Learning

Teaching Italian cooking using telepresence.   As a long time amateur cook, nice to see the example. We have had seen visual expertise delivered for a long time...

Mark, I did try migrating The Noisy Channel to Medium as a publication following these instructions…
From The Noisy Channel

Mark, I did try migrating The Noisy Channel to Medium as a publication following these instructions…

I didn’t mind creating a publication — in fact, I saw that as a plus, since much my Noisy Channel material is a bit different from the…Continue reading on Medium...

No Tricorder from Google yet
From The Eponymous Pickle

No Tricorder from Google yet

In Statnews: Google does not yet quite deliver on 'instant' medicine sci fi ....  Tricorder still not ready for delivery three years later.  Still a hard to thing...
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