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Communications of the ACM



Open-source vs. Proprietary – Keeping Ideology Out of the Equation
From insideHPC

Open-source vs. Proprietary – Keeping Ideology Out of the Equation

"One of the most recurrent themes is that of open-source vs. proprietary code. This debate is often painted with the idealistic open-source evangelists on one side...

Insilico Applies Deep Learning to Drug Discovery
From insideHPC

Insilico Applies Deep Learning to Drug Discovery

"The world of artificial intelligence is rapidly evolving and affecting every aspect of our daily life. And soon this progress will be felt in the pharmaceutical...

Vela Software Acquires Tecplot Fluid Dynamics Software
From insideHPC

Vela Software Acquires Tecplot Fluid Dynamics Software

Today Vela Software announced that it has acquired Tecplot, a leading provider of fluid dynamics visualization and analysis software for engineers and scientists...

Google Launches  Free Data Viz Tool
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Launches Free Data Viz Tool

In CWorld:" ... Google is doubling down on its commitment to the business analytics market with the launch of a new free data visualization tool. The company has...

You’re the Variable
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

You’re the Variable

One of my big goals this year has been to make my classes more interactive. I want to get kids involved and not be just passive listeners. Surprisingly students...

The Unfalsifiability of Security Claims
From Schneier on Security

The Unfalsifiability of Security Claims

Interesting research paper: Cormac Herley, "Unfalsifiability of security claims: There is an inherent asymmetry in computer security: things can be declared insecure...

Misunderstanding Positive Emotions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Misunderstanding Positive Emotions

Misunderstanding Positive Emotion A Conversation With June Gruber" ... This work we've been doing in positive emotion and psychopathology has the potential to change...

Hang up: Dutch look at banning use of cellphones on bikes
From Technology News

Hang up: Dutch look at banning use of cellphones on bikes

The Dutch government is considering banning the country's millions of cyclists from using their cellphones while riding, saying pedaling and phones are a dangerous...

NTIA Multistakeholder Meeting on Consumer Privacy and Facial Recognition on June 15
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

NTIA Multistakeholder Meeting on Consumer Privacy and Facial Recognition on June 15

The U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) will convene a multistakeholder meeting on the commercial use of facial recognition technology...

Video: Developing, Configuring, Building, and Deploying HPC Software
From insideHPC

Video: Developing, Configuring, Building, and Deploying HPC Software

"The process of developing HPC software requires consideration of issues in software design as well as practices that support the collaborative writing of well-structured...

Exascale computing: Why we need it and some of the challenges to conquer it.

Exascale computing: Why we need it and some of the challenges to conquer it.

Exascale computing, the ability of a computer system to perform a million trillion operations per second, has been long anticipated as the next major step in computer...

Flu Prediction Cognitive System
From The Eponymous Pickle

Flu Prediction Cognitive System

Using Watson, Twitter and CDC Data for predicting flu epidemics. Modeling under specific contexts. By Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa, University of Osnabrueck  Embeddedin...

Teratec Forum to Spotlight HPC and IoT
From insideHPC

Teratec Forum to Spotlight HPC and IoT

The TERATEC Forum 2016 will host a June 29 workshop on HPC, Connected Objects, and IoT Infrastructures. The full event takes place June 28-29 in Palaiseau, France...

Weather Prediction and the Scalability Challenge
From insideHPC

Weather Prediction and the Scalability Challenge

"Weather prediction using high performance computing relies on having physically based models of the atmosphere that can deliver forecasts well in advance of the...

Future of Food Supply in the Hands of AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Food Supply in the Hands of AI

Any complex system that requires the direction and interaction of many people and machines. And whose output also depends on many uncontrollable external variables...

Detecting Bias in Algorithms
From The Eponymous Pickle

Detecting Bias in Algorithms

In Engadget:   Pointers to a paper from Carnegie.  Though a quick read would say that this would address only certain kinds of algorithmic bias.  Technical.  Worth...

Vectorization Steps
From insideHPC

Vectorization Steps

The process to vectorize application code is very important and can result in major performance improvements when coupled with vector hardware. In many cases, incremental...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2016

In the fall we point to theory jobs, in the spring we see who got them. How is the CS enrollment explosion affecting the theory job market? We've seen some big ...

From Schneier on Security


Suckfly seems to be another Chinese nation-state espionage tool, first stealing South Korean certificates and now attacking Indian networks. Symantec has done a...

Why the Best Companies and Developers Give Away Almost Everything They Do
From Writing

Why the Best Companies and Developers Give Away Almost Everything They Do

Why do so many software companies and developers give away so much of their work in the form of open source, writing, and speaking? Why would they invest thousands...
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