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A look at the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in numbers
From Technology News

A look at the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in numbers

Telling the story of Chernobyl in numbers 30 years later involves dauntingly large figures and others that are even more vexing because they're still unknown. A...

Mellanox Powers OpenStack Cloud at University of Cambridge
From insideHPC

Mellanox Powers OpenStack Cloud at University of Cambridge

Today Mellanox announced that University of Cambridge has selected Mellanox End-to-End Ethernet interconnect solution including Spectrum SN2700 Ethernet switches...

An IKEA Virtual Reality App
From The Eponymous Pickle

An IKEA Virtual Reality App

Always liked the innovation that has come out of IKEA,  Here a sims-like VR App.  Have not tried yet, but will.  How well does this work as VR, as engagement?

Basic Apache Spark Utilization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Basic Apache Spark Utilization

Good basic, mostly non technical introduction:Basic Spark Utilization for Analytics in Big Databy Atif Farid MohammadApache Spark is a Big Data Analytics Engine...

BlackBerry's Global Encryption Key
From Schneier on Security

BlackBerry's Global Encryption Key

Last week there was a big news story about the Blackberry encryption. The news was that all BlackBerry devices share a global encryption key, and that the Canadian...

How city design is adapting to older populations
From Putting People First

How city design is adapting to older populations

As cities experience a demographic shift, the need for age-friendly design is becoming ever more critical. From almshouses to driverless cars, the future of urban...

Interesting Links 25 April 2016
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 25 April 2016

April vacation! Yes we do things different in New England. After this week we still have 7 to 8 weeks of school left. So this is a good time for a break. I hope...

Obama says 'spirit of innovation' turns ideas into jobs
From Technology News

Obama says 'spirit of innovation' turns ideas into jobs

President Barack Obama it putting in a few good words for the "spirit of innovation" that he says turns ideas into jobs and growth.

Introducing Gruntwork: get up and running on AWS with DevOps best practices and world-class infrastructure in about 2 weeks
From Writing

Introducing Gruntwork: get up and running on AWS with DevOps best practices and world-class infrastructure in about 2 weeks

Building infrastructure for a software company is much harder than it should be. There are so many moving parts and so many concepts to learn. How do I build my...

From Computational Complexity

Some short bits from the Gathering for Gardner Conference

I attended G4G12 (Gathering for Gardner) a conference that meets every 2 years (though the gap between the first and second was three years) to celebrate the work...

Beginners Guide to Chatbots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Beginners Guide to Chatbots

Well done article in Medium, with reasonable definitions and pointers to examples and resources.  The distinction is made between those driven by machine learning...

HiPEAC Seeks Your Input for the Next Ten Years of Computing
From insideHPC

HiPEAC Seeks Your Input for the Next Ten Years of Computing

The good folks at the European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC) have launched a call for contributions to the 2017...

Video: HPC Trends from the Trenches at Bio-IT World
From insideHPC

Video: HPC Trends from the Trenches at Bio-IT World

In this video, Chris Dagdigian from Bioteam delivers his annual assessment of the best, the worthwhile, and the most overhyped information technologies for life...

[Book] The Politics of Design
From Putting People First

[Book] The Politics of Design

The Politics of Design: A (Not so) Global Manual for Visual Communication By Ruben Pater BIS Publishers May 2015 Many designs that appear in today’s society will...

Supply Chain Numbers at Amazon and Wal-Mart
From The Eponymous Pickle

Supply Chain Numbers at Amazon and Wal-Mart

A look at retail heavyweights, their numbers and some key innovations:Supply Chain News: Walmart and Amazon by the Numbers 2016Our Annual Review of the World'sI...

Failing and Succeeding in the Digital World
From The Eponymous Pickle

Failing and Succeeding in the Digital World

Podcast in Knowledge@Wharton: It is counterintuitive to celebrate failures as well as successes. But that is precisely what needs to happen if companies wish to...

A Look at the Virtual Assistant Landscape
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at the Virtual Assistant Landscape

Nicely done view of what is going on, with considerable variance in the definition of assistant.  Useful to see the extensive examples here.

Browsing the Web in Virtual Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Browsing the Web in Virtual Reality

Has been proposed a number of times.   Is this useful?  Likely to be created and used?  In the relatively early days of the Web you could browse 2D representations...

Procurement Undergoing Digital Revolution
From The Eponymous Pickle

Procurement Undergoing Digital Revolution

Thoughts on a Deloitte study in Supply Chain Digest.  " .... After a Period of People Expansion, Procurement Now Being Asked to Do More with Less; the Two Tracks...

Alexa Voice Service with Java on Raspberry Pi
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alexa Voice Service with Java on Raspberry Pi

I am very late to this, I see lots of people have it working.  All the steps are there, but its an advanced project that requires buying a number of additionalhttps...
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