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What Exactly is a Bot?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Exactly is a Bot?

The word Bot has started to be used again.  But what is it?    I was struck by Matt Galligan's piece in Medium which takes a broad look at the definition.  We built...

Friday Squid Blogging: Replicating Reflecting Squid Tissue
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Replicating Reflecting Squid Tissue

New research. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....

Poets and Script Writers for Virtual Assistants, Bots
From The Eponymous Pickle

Poets and Script Writers for Virtual Assistants, Bots

In the WaPo:  Intriguing idea.  Make a Virtual Assistant as human and engaging as possible with clever writing and narratives.   I have seen aspects of this work...

Teaching Binary with a Clock
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Teaching Binary with a Clock

There has been a Binary clock on my desk at school for some years now. I like using it to help students learn Binary numbers. A few years ago I wrote a software...

Video: Exploiting HPC Technologies to Accelerate Big Data Processing
From insideHPC

Video: Exploiting HPC Technologies to Accelerate Big Data Processing

"This talk will present RDMA-based designs using OpenFabrics Verbs and heterogeneous storage architectures to accelerate multiple components of Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce...

Learn Apache Hadoop with Spark in One Day
From insideHPC

Learn Apache Hadoop with Spark in One Day

Hadoop and Spark clusters have a reputation for being extremely difficult to configure, install, and tune, but help is on the way. The good folks at Cluster Monkey...

Future of Economics in Machine Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Economics in Machine Learning

Makes sense.  Both economics and machine learning are driven by pattern detection and re application. " .... Economists have largely preferred to act within their...

Stormy Evolution of Mathematics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stormy Evolution of Mathematics

A network visualization of the evolution of mathematics.  Pretty narrow interest but still an example of how to visualize networks.

Silicon Mechanics is Intel’s ‘Channel Cares’ Partner of the Year
From insideHPC

Silicon Mechanics is Intel’s ‘Channel Cares’ Partner of the Year

Today Silicon Mechanics announced that the company was recently named one of the Intel Corporation’s 2015 ISS Partner’s of the Year, specifically with Intel’s Channel...

Media Services Getting Smarter
From The Eponymous Pickle

Media Services Getting Smarter

A continuing trend.  Intelligence can consist of including higher level services.  But these have to be correct and consistent under varying data contexts.  That...

Distinguished Speaker Series Coming to ISC 2016
From insideHPC

Distinguished Speaker Series Coming to ISC 2016

iscToday ISC 2016 announced that five renowned experts in computational science will participate in their new Distinguished Speaker series. Topics will include...

How Verne Global is Moving HPC Workloads to Iceland
From insideHPC

How Verne Global is Moving HPC Workloads to Iceland

"At Verne Global we combine low power costs, free cooling for 365 days of the year and optimized infrastructure to reduce the total costs of ownership for yourHow...

IRS Security
From Schneier on Security

IRS Security

Monday is Tax Day. Many of us are thinking about our taxes. Are they too high or too low? What's our money being spent on? Do we have a government worth paying...

Accenture Builds a Virtual Assistant called MyWizard
From The Eponymous Pickle

Accenture Builds a Virtual Assistant called MyWizard

Continued efforts to build virtual assistants.  Named MyWizard.    Note the industry specific elements and knowledge.  How much local learning?    I like the statement...

NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture- Daniela Rus
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE Distinguished Lecture- Daniela Rus

The National Science Foundation (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) is pleased to announce a distinguished lecture on...

Monitoring Power Consumption with the Intelligent Platform Management Interface
From insideHPC

Monitoring Power Consumption with the Intelligent Platform Management Interface

"NWPerf is software that can measure and collect a wide range of performance data about an application or set of applications that run on a cluster. With minimal...

Video: The Internet of Machines
From insideHPC

Video: The Internet of Machines

In this video, Steve Hebert from Nimbix presents: The Internet of Machines. "The good folks at Nimbix have also posted full a set video presentations from their...

Supercomputing the Dwarf Dark Galaxy Hidden in ALMA Gravitational Lens Image
From insideHPC

Supercomputing the Dwarf Dark Galaxy Hidden in ALMA Gravitational Lens Image

Astronomers are using the Blue Waters supercomputer and the ALMA telescope in Chile to investigate the location of a dwarf dark galaxy. Subtle distortions hidden...

Bots Auto Captioning Photos
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bots Auto Captioning Photos

An area I worked in both in the enterprise, and with a startup.   Google and Facebook have done work in this area.  Now Microsoft is also doing such captioning,...

Radio Free HPC Recaps the GPU Technology Conference
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Recaps the GPU Technology Conference

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team recaps the GPU Technology Conference, which wrapped up last week in San Jose. Since Rich is traveling around in some desert...
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