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Clinical Machine Learning at NYU
From The Eponymous Pickle

Clinical Machine Learning at NYU

Examining more Closely.  Via Principal Investigator David Sontag at NYU: Clinical machine learningOur group is particularly interested in machine learning problems...

Chinese HPC Venders Look to Expand Overseas
From insideHPC

Chinese HPC Venders Look to Expand Overseas

Tom Wilkie from Scientific Computing World reports on how China’s HPC vendors are seeking export markets with the support of their Government. With exhibits and...

Video: DMF and Tiering Update
From insideHPC

Video: DMF and Tiering Update

"DMF has been protecting data in some of the industries largest virtualized environments all over the world, enabling them to maintain uninterrupted online access...

Creating Computing Superheroes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Computing Superheroes

Most interesting view of computing history.   Examining Walter Isaacson's The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution...

Virtual Coffee Plantation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Virtual Coffee Plantation

Use of VR to market an underlying industry, here coffee growing by Nescafe.  A simple VR method is used:  Cardboard VR, with the assistance of Google.   To explain...

How do People React to Concept Maps?
From The Eponymous Pickle

How do People React to Concept Maps?

By colleague Rick Schafermeyer of Yourencore.   In particular how well do concept maps work when you share them with users that have built or used them your selves...

Considering AI Today vs AI Yesterday
From The Eponymous Pickle

Considering AI Today vs AI Yesterday

Good piece, I basically agree.  AI methods have largely stayed the same, certainly with some technical improvements, but have improved in application considerably...

Addressing Customer Showrooming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Addressing Customer Showrooming

In K@W:  Good piece includes some useful statistics that address customer in-store behavior when they are looking for information  " .... It’s obvious that customers...

Siri and Wolfram Alpha
From The Eponymous Pickle

Siri and Wolfram Alpha

In the early days of Wolfram Alpha we looked at it for potential manipulation of internal data.   It now has been accessible via Siri for a while, but I admit I...

Amazon Developer Community Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Developer Community Blog

I have been asked to follow developments in places like Amazon Dash, Amazon Echo and AWS  for retail. One way to do this is to follow their developer community....

SC15 Blog Puts the Spotlight on Invited Talks
From insideHPC

SC15 Blog Puts the Spotlight on Invited Talks

SC15 has stepped up with a series of blog posts previewing the conference this year, an effort that seems much more engaging than the random press releases we've...

Creating Value
From The Eponymous Pickle

Creating Value

Clearly.  But how to make sure you are doing it effectively is not usually obvious.Why Value Creation is the Foundation of Business: How to define it, measure it...

Executing Multiple Dynamically Parallelized Programs on Dynamically Shared Cloud Processors
From insideHPC

Executing Multiple Dynamically Parallelized Programs on Dynamically Shared Cloud Processors

"ThroughPuter PaaS is purpose-built for secure, dynamic cloud computing of parallel processing era. ThroughPuter offers unique, realtime application load and type...

Building a design-driven culture
From Putting People First

Building a design-driven culture

It’s not enough to just sell a product or service—companies must truly engage with their customers. McKinsey & Company outlines four elements of a design-driven...

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.
From Putting People First

Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.

MIT Professor Sherry Turkle has been studying the psychology of online connectivity for more than 30 years. For the past five, I’ve had a special focus: What has...

Kroger Tests Smart Shelves
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kroger Tests Smart Shelves

We experimented with a number of related methods, combining, visual, sensory, sensing,  locating, effecting capabilities, linked to many kinds of data and analytics...

Windows Dev Center for the IOT
From The Eponymous Pickle

Windows Dev Center for the IOT

Useful set of resources for the Windows directed IOT.  Hardware, software and information for getting started.

Friday Squid Blogging: Bobtail Squid Keeps Bacteria to Protect Its Eggs
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Bobtail Squid Keeps Bacteria to Protect Its Eggs

The Hawaiian Bobtail Squid deposits bacteria on its eggs to keep them safe. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the...

Questioning Statistical Foundations. Implications for Business?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Questioning Statistical Foundations. Implications for Business?

In the DSC:   Some interesting points made, though I can already hear my statisticians moaning.   All statistics, all modeling.  is meant to be used predictively...

Resilient Systems News
From Schneier on Security

Resilient Systems News

Former Raytheon chief scientist Bill Swanson has joined our board of directors. For those who don't know, Resilient Systems is my company. I'm the CTO, and we sell...
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