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Communications of the ACM



Autonomous Drones Build Bridge
From The Eponymous Pickle

Autonomous Drones Build Bridge

In the Verge:   Video.  Fascinating example.  Particularly interested in the autonomy of such experiments, which relates to other swarming experiments.  The future...

Bloomberg Marketing Analytics Tool
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bloomberg Marketing Analytics Tool

In Adage:  Interesting play.  I do wonder about the overall objectivity that is involved.  But a directed marketing mix play is intriguing.    Dueling tools among...

ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing

The new ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing challenges high school seniors in the United States to develop innovative solutions using their knowledge...

Excitement around K-12 CS Education, but there’s work to be done by the CS Community
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Excitement around K-12 CS Education, but there’s work to be done by the CS Community

The following is a blog post by Ran Libeskind-Hadas, R. Michael Shanahan Professor and Computer Science Department Chair at Harvey Mudd College, Co-Chair of CRA’s...

IBM Storage With OpenStack
From insideHPC

IBM Storage With OpenStack

While there is much discussion and products in the market regarding cloud computing and the ability to spin up a virtual machines quickly and efficiently, the fact...

Potential of Virtual Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Potential of Virtual Reality

Insightful piece, In ReadwriteWeb: " .... Virtual Reality Meets Actual Reality: Why VR Is Harder Than You Think .... HTC, Sony and Felix and Paul Studios discuss...

ACM E-Book Learning Center
From The Eponymous Pickle

ACM E-Book Learning Center

I was reminded that the ACM, which I have been a member of for many years, has a learning center that contains hundreds of free to read e-books for members.   Always...

FTC PrivacyCon 2016 – Call for Privacy and Security Research Presentations
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

FTC PrivacyCon 2016 – Call for Privacy and Security Research Presentations

The FTC invites presentation proposals on consumer privacy and security issues in the commercial sector for a privacy conference, PrivacyCon, to be held on January...

Video: Communication Frameworks for HPC and Big Data
From insideHPC

Video: Communication Frameworks for HPC and Big Data

“This talk will focus on programming models and their designs for upcoming exascale systems with millions of processors and accelerators. Current status and future...

BSC and Integrating Persistent Data and Parallel Programming Models
From insideHPC

BSC and Integrating Persistent Data and Parallel Programming Models

Toni Cortés from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center presented this talk at the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference. "BSC is the National Supercomputing Facility...

HPC in Siesmic Processing and Interpreation and Reservoir Modeling
From insideHPC

HPC in Siesmic Processing and Interpreation and Reservoir Modeling

Oil and gas are becoming increasingly harder to find. This article looks at how oil and gas companies are using cutting edge technology, like high performance computing...

The Increase in Processing Demands of Seismic Computing
From insideHPC

The Increase in Processing Demands of Seismic Computing

Substantial challenges loom for the Oil and Gas sector, as problem sizes, resolution requirements and business pressures to reduce computing costs all continueThe...

Video: Imperial College: 30 Million HPC Jobs a Year and Counting
From insideHPC

Video: Imperial College: 30 Million HPC Jobs a Year and Counting

"A university environment can be a challenge in many ways, with a wide variety of differing demands from more than a hundred different research groups, so how can...

Virtual BBC Micro:Bit Now in Beta
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Virtual BBC Micro:Bit Now in Beta

Curious about the BBC MicroBit? There is a new web site about it that includes a virtual Micro:bit computer. There are tutorials and videos and various other bits...

Walgreens to Promote Behavior with Wearables
From The Eponymous Pickle

Walgreens to Promote Behavior with Wearables

In  Evan Schuman's column in Computer World.  Contains an interesting detailed analysis of behavior." ... Walgreens wants to use wearables to give instant discounts...

Junk Charts: Data Visualizations Reviewed
From The Eponymous Pickle

Junk Charts: Data Visualizations Reviewed

Recently connected with Kaiser Fung,   Who writes the famous Junk Charts Blog that I have often mentioned here.  I had read about bad visualizing years ago in books...

NSF CISE’s Important Role in Smart Cities Initiative
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF CISE’s Important Role in Smart Cities Initiative

National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director for the Directorate of Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) James Kurose has issued the following...

Eyeliner Connecting to the Internet
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eyeliner Connecting to the Internet

In SiliconAngle:  "  ... When eyeliner connects to the Internet: L’Oreal hints at IoT plans  ... "    An unusual connection to the Internet of Things.  How broadly...

SYNful Knock Attack Against Cisco Routers
From Schneier on Security

SYNful Knock Attack Against Cisco Routers

FireEye is reporting the discovery of persistent malware that compromises Cisco routers: While this attack could be possible on any router technology, in this case...

Glasses Foil Facial Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Glasses Foil Facial Recognition

In the CACM:   We discovered this in a retail test.  Here much more detail and data.  Reminds me of other cases in the 70s where it was discovered that putting...
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