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Communications of the ACM



From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Playing Chess With the Devil

A new kind of ‘liar’ puzzle using Freestyle chess Cropped from source Raymond Smullyan is probably the world’s greatest expert on the logic of lying and the logic...

Microsoft and the Internet of Things
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft and the Internet of Things

How will the IOT effect the operating system of the past?  Simplifyingbecause parts of the OS can be in the cloud?  Or make them much more complex? .How will search...

From Computational Complexity

Explain this Scenario on Jeapardy

Ponder the following: Larry, Moe, and Curly are on Jeapardy. Going into Final Jeapardy: Larry has $50,000, Moe has $10,000, Curly has $10,000 Larry bets $29...

Michael Chertoff Speaks Out Against Backdoors
From Schneier on Security

Michael Chertoff Speaks Out Against Backdoors

This is significant....

Last Call for SC15 Tech Program Submissions
From insideHPC

Last Call for SC15 Tech Program Submissions

The submissions deadline for portions of the SC15 Technical Program has been extended to Friday, Aug. 7. The SC15 conference will take place Nov. 15-20 in Austin...

Prevedere Software uses Leading Indicators
From The Eponymous Pickle

Prevedere Software uses Leading Indicators

Brought to my attention: " ... Prevedére, Inc. is a Big Data Predictive Analytics solution that helps companies increase profits and outperform competition. Our...

PCAST Meeting Videos and Presentations
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

PCAST Meeting Videos and Presentations

The last President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) meeting was held on Tuesday, July 14th at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington...

Self Checkout Psychology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Checkout Psychology

Evan Schuman on Self-checkout psychology: Don't scare away shoppers  Good, new information.  We worked on an analysis of this and related technologies for some"...

Slidecast: IBM High Performance Services for Technical Computing in the Cloud
From insideHPC

Slidecast: IBM High Performance Services for Technical Computing in the Cloud

In this slidecast, Chris Porter and Jeff Kamiol from IBM describe how IBM High Performance Services deliver versatile, application-ready clusters in the cloud for...

Investing in Deep Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Investing in Deep Learning

In Virgin Entrepreneur.    Short description of the concept.   Not sure I agree that most companies should invest in this narrow kind of technology,  important...

ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference Announces Workshops
From insideHPC

ISC Cloud & Big Data Conference Announces Workshops

Today the ISC Cloud & Big Data conference announced that their pre-conference program will center around eight engaging workshops. The event takes place Sept. 28...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 27
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of July 27

House Floor H.R. 2206, State Wide Interoperable Communications Enhancement Act H.R. 1634, Border Security Technology Accountability Act Tuesday July 28, 2015 Hearing...

What ten years teaching a technical topic in college taught me…
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

What ten years teaching a technical topic in college taught me…

Over ten years ago, XML was all the rage in information technology. XML was what the cool kids used to store, exchange and process data. By 2005, all the major...

Smaller Companies Shun HPC in Europe
From insideHPC

Smaller Companies Shun HPC in Europe

In the ISC opening keynote, the conference was told that Europe is failing to persuade enough small and medium companies to take advantage of high performance computing...

Self Driving Trucks this Year
From The Eponymous Pickle

Self Driving Trucks this Year

From the BBC: On German roads this year?  Supply chain efficiency changes are considerable. " .. Autonomous trucks: Daimler seeks licence for road tests ... " 

Consistent Experiences across Devices
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consistent Experiences across Devices

Important goal.     Not too often the case.  " ... Walgreens' responsive website is part of the retailer's digital strategy that allows it to offer shoppers a consistent...

Evernote on Euro Data Laws
From The Eponymous Pickle

Evernote on Euro Data Laws

Evernote CEO comments on euro data laws.  Complexity of regional regulations continues to add complexity to a data rich world.

Video: Data Storage Infrastructure at Cyfronet
From insideHPC

Video: Data Storage Infrastructure at Cyfronet

"Cyfronet recently celebrated the launch of Poland’s fastest supercomputer. As the world’s largest deployment of the HP Apollo 8000 platform, the 1.68 PetaflopVideo...

Hacking Team's Purchasing of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Team's Purchasing of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

This is an interesting article that looks at Hacking Team's purchasing of zero-day (0day) vulnerabilities from a variety of sources: Hacking Team's relationships...

BlueBEAR HPC Service Supports Proton Therapy Research
From insideHPC

BlueBEAR HPC Service Supports Proton Therapy Research

Researchers at the University of Lincoln in the U.K. are using the BlueBEAR HPC service to simulate the use of protons for CT imaging. Generally reliant on X-rays...
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