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Healthcare Data Lakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Healthcare Data Lakes

Via Michael Thompson ...Data Lakes in Health care."Intel recently showcased a Semantic Data Lake for healthcare at HIMSS 2015, the largest healthcare IT conference...

NSA and GCHQ Attacked Antivirus Companies
From Schneier on Security

NSA and GCHQ Attacked Antivirus Companies

On Monday, the Intercept published a new story from the Snowden documents: The spy agencies have reverse engineered software products, sometimes under questionable...

Watson Analytics: Full Potential
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson Analytics: Full Potential

An infographic on the full potential of Watson Analytics,

Networking Intelligently
From The Eponymous Pickle

Networking Intelligently

Networking Intelligently in an Over-connected WorldErica Dhawan discusses her new book and what she and coauthor Saj-nicole Joni call “the power of connectional...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

We Say Branches And You Say Choices

You like tomato and I like tomahto Oded Green, Marat Dukhan, and Richard Vuduc are researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology—my home institution. They recently...

Global IT Trends Research
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global IT Trends Research

Excellent report on IT trends, via Jerry Luftus.

McKinsey: Digital Hives: Creating A Surge Around Change
From The Eponymous Pickle

McKinsey: Digital Hives: Creating A Surge Around Change

" ....  Leading-edge digital platforms similarly take center stage in Arne Gast and Raul Lansink’s “Digital hives: Creating a surge around change.” Based on four...

Get Global R&D
From The Eponymous Pickle

Get Global R&D

In HBR:   Local R&D is not enough for global." ... In order to expand, digital businesses need to pivot to new and promising growth areas. Often that means making...

Yet Another Leaker -- with the NSA's French Intercepts
From Schneier on Security

Yet Another Leaker -- with the NSA's French Intercepts

Wikileaks has published some NSA SIGINT documents describing intercepted French government communications. This seems not be from the Snowden documents. It could...

What will go if we teach CS?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

What will go if we teach CS?

It’s a constant question that comes up when we talk about adding (more) computer science to K-12 curriculum. Katie O'Shaughnessey talked about it in her excellent...

Materials Discovery by Computation – a Revolution Still in the Making
From insideHPC

Materials Discovery by Computation – a Revolution Still in the Making

"We will describe recent progress and successes obtained in predicting properties of matter by quantum simulations, and discuss algorithmic challenges in connection...

Digital Kitchen
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Kitchen

Google Think on the Digital Kitchen.   Another clear place for the virtual/personal assistant.  Have tested many in that room.  But its much more than just about...

HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition
From insideHPC

HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition

Dr. Lewey reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. The post HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition appeared first...

Intelligent Personal Assistants
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intelligent Personal Assistants

At today's CSIG meeting Jim Spohrer pointed us to the growth of the intelligent personal assistant, and that the Wikipedia article on the topic had a good listBraina...

insideBIGDATA Guide to Scientific Research
From insideHPC

insideBIGDATA Guide to Scientific Research

Daniel Gutierrez, Managing Editor, of insideBIGDATA has put together a terrific Guide to Scientific Research. The goal of this paper is to provide a road map for...

Power Usage for Coprocessors
From insideHPC

Power Usage for Coprocessors

"As the use of coprocessors increases to speedup HPC applications, it is important to understand how much additional power the coprocessors use. With various measurements...

Future of Travel
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Travel

Friend Dean DeBiase on the future of travel.   " ... At the latest installation of my Reboot Stories, at the ÄKTA Innovation Series in Chicago, I had a chance to...

CCC-led White Papers on the Science of Autonomy
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC-led White Papers on the Science of Autonomy

In May, the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) commissioned members of the research community to generate white papers to help guide strategic thinking in autonomous...

From Computational Complexity

Changing STOC

At the recently completed STOC and the previous FOCS, much of the discussion revolved around reforming the conferences. You read the discussion and comments onarXiv...

Baseball Hacking: Cardinals vs. Astros
From Schneier on Security

Baseball Hacking: Cardinals vs. Astros

I think this is the first case of one professional sports team hacking another. No idea if it was an official operation, or a couple of employees doing it on their...
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