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Communications of the ACM



Live in Robotics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Live in Robotics

We would all like to live in a robot enabled world, with robots helping us substantially at home, still think it will be a while. In CACM, a view of the possibilities...

Clusters For Dummies
From insideHPC

Clusters For Dummies

Clusters FOR DUMMIES is an excellent read for both experienced and novice administrators, users, purchasing departments, and developers who are considering purchasing...

HPC People on the Move: March Edition
From insideHPC

HPC People on the Move: March Edition

Adaptive Computing has a new CEO. Get the scoop on who else is jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.

Radio Free HPC Polarizes Over Net Neutrality
From insideHPC

Radio Free HPC Polarizes Over Net Neutrality

In this episode, the Radio Free HPC team splits on the topic of Net Neutrality. The FCC will soon publish its new rules for ensuring an even playing field for Internet...

It’s the Software Stupid
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

It’s the Software Stupid

Computers are magic. Well to a few people they are. To others they are annoying and useless pieces of hardware. At least until you add software. I was reading Audrey...

Center for Neural Decision Making
From The Eponymous Pickle

Center for Neural Decision Making

Was referred to this recently.  I like the broader review of looking at decision making in general, not just that which can be detected by brain science."... ...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 2
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 2

March 3 Markup: The House Judiciary Committee will markup legislation, and H.R. 1147, The Legal Workforce Act, is scheduled for review. This bill covers the expansion...

Administration Releases Discussion Draft for Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Administration Releases Discussion Draft for Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights

On February 27 the Obama Administration released its discussion draft for a Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights.  The Administration released a framework for a Consumer...

More quick links
From Geeking with Greg

More quick links

Some of the best of what I've been thinking about lately: Great TED talk titled "The mathematics of love", but probably should be titled "A data analysis of love"...

From Computational Complexity

Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)

Bill and I rarely write joint blog posts but with the loss of a great cultural icon we both had to have our say. Bill: Leonard Nimoy (Spock) died last weekLance...

Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam Resources
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam Resources

The Global City Teams Challenge Tech Jam was a success! The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and US Ignite initiative designed to advance the...

On the State of Neuromarketing as Science
From The Eponymous Pickle

On the State of Neuromarketing as Science

Via Forbes,  by Roger Dooley.  He examines the status of a long running ARF study, which he says includes both positive and negative results for neuromarketing....

Shopping in Virtual Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopping in Virtual Reality

Spent some time looking at how people might shop using virtual reality.  In particular was part of a retail innovation group that looked at Second Life for this...

Predictions for HPC in 2015 from Intersect360 Research
From insideHPC

Predictions for HPC in 2015 from Intersect360 Research

Intersect360 Research has published their Top Six Predictions for HPC in 2015.

ARM Joins OpenMP ARB
From insideHPC

ARM Joins OpenMP ARB

ARM has joined the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB), a group of leading hardware and software vendors and research organizations creating the standard for...

Slidecast: John Gustafson Explains Energy Efficient Unum Computing
From insideHPC

Slidecast: John Gustafson Explains Energy Efficient Unum Computing

"Written by one of the foremost experts in high-performance computing and the inventor of Gustafson’s Law, The End of Error: Unum Computing explains a new approach...

Human-centered design should be a CMO’s best friend
From Putting People First

Human-centered design should be a CMO’s best friend

The average tenure of a CMO is just 45 months, according to a recent study released by executive recruiting firm Spencer Stuart. Fortunately, for CMOs in need of...

Linear vs Jackknife Regression
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linear vs Jackknife Regression

A technical and practical  piece on the topic.  I recall a project in the enterprise that could have used this explanation.  The idea is not used often enough,...

Expanding Gannt Modeling
From The Eponymous Pickle

Expanding Gannt Modeling

More dimensions applied to the Gannt chart. Knowledge Cubes they are calling it.  From Metier.  Inspired by Tufte. Its certainly an expansion of data in the process...

Designing Wearables
From The Eponymous Pickle

Designing Wearables

On Wearable design. Do people have to re-learn how to wear, and utilize a watch.    Or has it become pure ornamentation for a few?
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