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Sophisticated Targeted Attack Via Hotel Networks
From Schneier on Security

Sophisticated Targeted Attack Via Hotel Networks

Kaspersky Labs is reporting (detailed report here, technical details here) on a sophisticated hacker group that is targeting specific individuals around the world...

Amazon Echo and Shopping
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Echo and Shopping

In Retailwire:  A look at how the Echo assistant and speaker and its implications for a new mode of shopping.  Think of the potential cognitive interactions with...

Hacking Internet Voting from Wireless Routers
From Schneier on Security

Hacking Internet Voting from Wireless Routers

Good paper, and layman's explanation. Internet voting scares me. It gives hackers the potential to seriously disrupt our democratic processes....

Robotics for Ebola Response
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Robotics for Ebola Response

The following is a special contribution to this blog from Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Chair Gregory Hager (Johns Hopkins University). Imagine you have...

me + National Museum of the American Indian
From Apophenia

me + National Museum of the American Indian

I’m pleased to share that I’m joining the Board of Trustees of Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) in 2015.  I am honored and humbled by...

Japan's Robot Week
From The Eponymous Pickle

Japan's Robot Week

A report from Japan's 2014 Robot Week in October.  Which makes the case that software is becoming more important.   It has always been important, in particular...

Bringing Clarity to Cognitive Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bringing Clarity to Cognitive Computing

An overview of the topic of cognitive computing, from the recent Dataversity webinar.  Via Steve Ardire." ... DATAVERSITY’s™ Cognitive Computing Forum is taking...

Moving Data Fast in Disaster
From The Eponymous Pickle

Moving Data Fast in Disaster

Several recent communications have led us to thinking about how data can be moved quickly and reliably in complex times.  Which led to this piece:" ... Prototype...

The Future of Incident Response
From Schneier on Security

The Future of Incident Response

Security is a combination of protection, detection, and response. It's taken the industry a long time to get to this point, though. The 1990s was the era of protection...

Interesting Links–10 November 2014
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links–10 November 2014

Parent teacher conferences last week made for a couple of long nights. I confess though that I enjoy meeting parents and talking about their children. Some interesting...

Consciousness in Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consciousness in Computing

The problems of computing consciousness.  An interesting question, but more often wonder what value consciousness will have.  Perhaps as a precursor to certain...

Future of Matrix Organization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Matrix Organization

A 1970s McKinsey's article on beyond the Matrix Organization.  Where has the emergence of technology changed this?    Not changed this?   " .... Tom Peters examines...

Davidow's Complete Product
From The Eponymous Pickle

Davidow's Complete Product

Brought to my attention, a book review by Rob Thomas, on the Complete Product.  " ... William Davidow wrote Marketing High Technology in 1986. While we have seen...

What is Fairness?
From Apophenia

What is Fairness?

What is “fairness”? And what happens when technology decides? Fairness is one of those values that Americans love to espouse. It’s just as beloved in technical...

Taking Autocompletion Further
From The Eponymous Pickle

Taking Autocompletion Further

A simplistic metaphor for intelligence is autocompletion.  We are very used to it today. We have knowledge, now how do we use that knowledge to predict what should...

Why the IBM and Twitter Data Deal
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why the IBM and Twitter Data Deal

It has been presented as a means to understand the pulse of the planet.   A sensory coup previously impossible.  Connecting the firehose of information createdGood...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

A Conjecture Of Ulam

A pointed question about the plane Stanisław Ulam was one of the great mathematicians of the last century. We talked about him in a recent post on his prime spiral...

Society’s sandbox
From Putting People First

Society’s sandbox

Steve Daniels, director at Makeshift magazine, explains why informal economies are the world’s biggest — and most overlooked — design research opportunity. “Informal...

Google's Neural Turing Machine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google's Neural Turing Machine

This still does not mean we can replace our conventional machines with such neural networks, but it can have profound implication for analytics.Google's Secretive...

Innovation Asessents: Fun and Games
From The Eponymous Pickle

Innovation Asessents: Fun and Games

Had missed this previously. Worth a look.Innovation Assessment is one of the pillars of an innovation program. Evaluation should be done as an on-going activity...
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