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Communications of the ACM



Mathematics of Discovery for Creativity?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Mathematics of Discovery for Creativity?

In the WaPo:  Having examined how expertise can be augmented by creativity, not sure how this is directly useful.  The graphical representation shown is thought...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

The 3SUM Assumption Is Wrong?

A new result on our three body problem Allan Grønlund and Seth Pettie are leaders in algorithm design and related problems. Today I want to give a quick follow...

Augmenting and Scaling Expertise
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmenting and Scaling Expertise

Thoughts I just put in a private Linkedin Group that deals with how cognitive expertise is effectively delivered.  It is all about how we can now augment and scale...

How to conduct design research for home healthcare devices
From Putting People First

How to conduct design research for home healthcare devices

As healthcare shifts from the hospital to the home, design research must also morph to keep up, writes Shana Leonard. Who is the typical user of your medical product...

How Wells Fargo learned to innovate around the customer
From Putting People First

How Wells Fargo learned to innovate around the customer

Wells Fargo, the world’s most valuable bank, learned to innovate around the customer. In 1999, Steve Ellis, who runs the bank’s wholesale services group, went to...

Leveraging ethnography to improve food safety
From Putting People First

Leveraging ethnography to improve food safety

Carolyn Rose explains how ethnography can be used to improve food safety: If done correctly, ethnography leads to a holistic and unbiased understanding of current...

Reasons for Being Cheerful
From The Eponymous Pickle

Reasons for Being Cheerful

Matt Ridley, the rational optimist,  provides a number of reasons to be cheerful.  Mark J Perry summarizes.  Not what I have been seeing in the news.

Consider Being Obsolete
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consider Being Obsolete

AdAge Video:  I still believe this will take longer than we think.  There will be transferal and re-apportionment of many jobs.   " ... Are You Obsolete? Yeah...

Friday Squid Blogging: Te Papa Museum Gets a Second Colossal Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Te Papa Museum Gets a Second Colossal Squid

That's two more than I have. They're hoping it's a male. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't...

White House Launches U.S. Digital Service and Digital Resources
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

White House Launches U.S. Digital Service and Digital Resources

On Monday the White House announced the launch of the U.S. Digital Service.  According to the Administration, the Digital Service is a team of digital experts that...

Neurogaming Asks a Question
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neurogaming Asks a Question

Ron Wright, correspondent, sends along an article:  " .... Brain science and video gaming converge in neurogaming  ... " .  We have still been unable to capture...

Should we train more people as programmers?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Should we train more people as programmers?

Lately, the top salaries for computer science graduates have been increasing. Companies like Google are willing to pay what it takes to get their hands on the best...

The Need to Reinforce IT
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Need to Reinforce IT

In the Future of CIO:  I have often had thoughts of how we have come to rely on Information Technology.   " .... Organizations rely more and more on technology;...

Amazon Payment System
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon Payment System

In Adage:  An intriguing approach.  And of course since you are on the Amazon system, the system already 'knows' much about you.   " ... Amazon's Square-Like Payment...

Dimensions of Portfolio Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dimensions of Portfolio Analysis

Had not seen this particular way of looking at this. Worth a further look.   " ... the various reasons why Portfolio Management is tough to implement with two different...

Reverse-Engineering NSA Malware
From Schneier on Security

Reverse-Engineering NSA Malware

Interesting articles reverse-engineering DEITYBOUNCE and BULLDOZER....

Learning By Doing Works for Adults Too
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Learning By Doing Works for Adults Too

Over the last year or so I have had a number of meetings and conversations with school leaders about using social media. One of my first questions is always “who...

RFID and Beacons
From The Eponymous Pickle

RFID and Beacons

A recent query reminded me that the RFID journal now covers Beacon type systems.  This is an interesting kind of application than might be expected for in-store...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Limited Independence

When can limited randomness act as well as true random bits? Polylogarithmic independence fools AC0 circuits by Mark Braverman (JACM 2010) To explain this result...

First Week Activity
From Computer Science Teachers Association

First Week Activity

Ever wish you had a set of activities for the first week of school to excite your students early on? There is a wonderful set of exercises that can be found at...
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