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Dysfunctional Teams and Healthy Ecosystems
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dysfunctional Teams and Healthy Ecosystems

In FastCompany: An interesting view.   Somewhat over segmented.  Have seen some of these examples.   It then suggests healthier ecosystems.  Good idea, but also...

Augmented Collaboration: Cisco Spring Roll
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Collaboration: Cisco Spring Roll

Some of this discovered rather late, but Cisco provides new a prototype of collaboration features for its Telepresence brand.  Called Spring Roll.  Eweek discusses...

Securing the Nest Thermostat
From Schneier on Security

Securing the Nest Thermostat

A group of hackers are using a vulnerability in the Next thermostat to secure it against Nest's remote data collection....

From Computational Complexity

The Burden of Large Enrollments

This week I'm at the CRA Snowbird conference, the biennial meeting of CS chairs and other leaders in the field. In 2012 many of the discussion focused on MOOCS....

Potentially bogus freelancing advice
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Potentially bogus freelancing advice

For nearly 20 years, I have been freelancing: selling my skills as a free agent. I do very little freelancing these days, but I still regularly give advice to students...

Data Analytics Ranked High in C-Suite
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Analytics Ranked High in C-Suite

In Research Mag:     " ... 56% of consumer goods and retail business leaders cite data analytics as being important to their firm’s strategy, according to a recent...

Call to bring refugee-led innovation into humanitarian work
From Putting People First

Call to bring refugee-led innovation into humanitarian work

The humanitarian sector must lift barriers to user-led innovation by refugee communities if it is to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world, says a new report...

One semi colon away from disaster
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

One semi colon away from disaster

At a recent workshop Alexander Repenning said that sometimes teaching programming is “one semi colon away from disaster.” How true that is. Minor syntax issues,...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Shifts In Algorithm Design

How to find approximate page rank fast, among other things Jennifer Chayes is the current director of a research lab in Cambridge—that is Cambridge Massachusetts—for...

Whats New in Social Science?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Whats New in Social Science?

Am a long time reader of The Edge.    So What's new in social science?   Pretty massive and have only peeked at it, but take your time ...." ...  Now, for the first...

Fingerprinting Computers By Making Them Draw Images
From Schneier on Security

Fingerprinting Computers By Making Them Draw Images

Here's a new way to identify individual computers over the Internet. The page instructs the browser to draw an image. Because each computer draws the image slightly...

IT as Creatives in the Enterprise
From The Eponymous Pickle

IT as Creatives in the Enterprise

In CIO:  How could this not be so?  An efficient means to gather data, pass it to the parts of the entperprise that need it the most and leverage it with continually...

Simulating Cardiovascular Drugs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Simulating Cardiovascular Drugs

The idea of this kind of in-silico drug testing has been around for a long time, we worked briefly with an effort at the University of California San Diego in a...

Facebook Buy Button Test
From The Eponymous Pickle

Facebook Buy Button Test

In Retailwire:  Will people buy directly on Facebook?  Possibly, but I have never see FB as a commercial context.   A test is underway.  " ... Users on desktop...

High Resolution Flexible Display
From The Eponymous Pickle

High Resolution Flexible Display

Flexible screens continue to emerge.  We examined them for applications like advanced packaging and integrated shelf displays.  Its likely now that they will be...

Watson and Academic Institutions
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson and Academic Institutions

Have had some discussions on this concept.  There is considerable interest in academia, but the ideas have to be tied to course structure, AND be of real interest...

Interesting Links 21 July 2014
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 21 July 2014

What a week I had last week. The CSTA Annual Conference, the National CS Principles Summit and then the CSTA Board meeting. I need a rest. I tweeted a lot fromB...

Project Adam AI for Visual Recognition
From The Eponymous Pickle

Project Adam AI for Visual Recognition

There is more going on in AI than just IBM's Watson, here more focused, addressing one of the most important tasks of sensory recognition.  In TechTimes:     See...

Thinkvine and Damon Ragusa
From The Eponymous Pickle

Thinkvine and Damon Ragusa

Have followed Thinkvine here for some time, out enterprise connected with them and have touched base  number of times since their creation in 2000 by Damon Ragusa...

Lost Links
From The Eponymous Pickle

Lost Links

Received another query about links that no longer point to the information that they should.  This is a common thing on the Web.   Unless what you are pointing'Internet...
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