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Open Power Foundation Announcements
From The Eponymous Pickle

Open Power Foundation Announcements

Attended a set of presentations and announcements on the Open Power Foundation yesterday. Sponsored by IBM and included a number of other corporate participants...

Why Innovation Fails
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why Innovation Fails

In Innovation Excellence:  Unfortunately it does.   Fairly frequently too.  The number kicked around for band innovation true success is often 10%.  So we have...

The Organization:  Scarcest Resource
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Organization: Scarcest Resource

Via Bain and Company, from the HBR:   Meetings, thinking time, useful connections, human resources.   In general we make poor use of them and many new things are...

Is Google Too Big to Trust?
From Schneier on Security

Is Google Too Big to Trust?

Interesting essay about how Google's lack of transparency is hurting their trust: The reality is that Google's business is and has always been about mining as much...

Marketing Vocabulary
From The Eponymous Pickle

Marketing Vocabulary

Fascinating piece on ClickZ: Truth and vocabulary and the meaning for understanding the consumer.   A lot of truth is embedded here about measurement and the resulting...

WalMart to Go Concept
From The Eponymous Pickle

WalMart to Go Concept

Wal-Mart's To Go concept.  Opens a new kind of consumer behavior to them.  And new data. Consider the implications, and the analytics.

Using Google Maps for History
From The Eponymous Pickle

Using Google Maps for History

We had thought of using time serial maps for history, now I see that Google maps plans to do something similar.  Can we ultimately do this generally for the earth...

My digital shadow
From Putting People First

My digital shadow

The surveillance program PRISM by the US secret service NSA has reminded us that all of our activities online may be monitored without giving us the chance to understand...

The Qualified Self and Affective Sensing
From Putting People First

The Qualified Self and Affective Sensing

The people at frog design have been exploring sensing technologies and their impact on the human experience. Two interesting articles are the result: The Qualified...

Smart cities need smart citizens
From Putting People First

Smart cities need smart citizens

The idea of the SMARTiP project is to take the experience developed by a wide range of existing user-driven, open innovation initiatives in Europe, particularly...

Do you realize that you are using random hashing?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Do you realize that you are using random hashing?

Hashing is a common concept in programming. It is the process of mapping any object to an integer. It is used in fast search algorithms (like Rabin-Karp) and in...

Johan Blomkvist’s doctoral thesis on prototyping in service design
From Putting People First

Johan Blomkvist’s doctoral thesis on prototyping in service design

Representing Future Situations of Service Prototyping in Service Design by Johan Blomkvist Linköping Studies in Arts and Science Doctoral Dissertation Human-Centred...

User experience is the new differentiator. How will that affect the internet?
From Putting People First

User experience is the new differentiator. How will that affect the internet?

The world of business is changing, as are the locations of the people who are driving that business. How companies reach new users and how they treat them once...

Ethnography, magpies, shiny things, and parallel worlds
From Putting People First

Ethnography, magpies, shiny things, and parallel worlds

Three posts by Simon Roberts (?) explore the rise, fall and possible futures of ethnography in commercial settings. Ethnography, magpies and shiny things The first...

How Facebook uses UX research to personalize the way we see each other
From Putting People First

How Facebook uses UX research to personalize the way we see each other

Facebook recently made profiles more “contextual” on their iOS app, writes John Paul Titlow in Fast Company. That means that like Google searches or other personalized...

From Schneier on Security


Surveillance is getting cheaper and easier: Two artists have revealed Conversnitch, a device they built for less than $100 that resembles a lightbulb or lamp and...

Big Data Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Marketing

Late on this, but useful thoughts:  "  .. This holiday season will likely bring another rise in cost-per-click prices. However, marketers shouldn't forget their...

The Security of Various Programming Languages
From Schneier on Security

The Security of Various Programming Languages

Interesting research on the security of code written in different programming languages. We don't know whether the security is a result of inherent properties of...

Upcoming Bootstrap Workshops
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Upcoming Bootstrap Workshops

From the CSTA announcement list. Bootstrap is a curricular module for students ages 12-16, which teaches algebraic and geometric concepts through computer programming...

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program has a Focus on Data Science
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship Program has a Focus on Data Science

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has revamped the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program.  It is now called the National Science...
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