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Big Surveillance Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Surveillance Data

In Computing Now.  Looked at several examples of how to use security camera input for other purposes.Surveillance Video: The Biggest Big Data"Big data continues...

Resources for Learning Sorts
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Resources for Learning Sorts

Sometimes one just doesn’t know what blog posts are going to take off. Last month I wrote a post called Sorting Isn’t Always Simple. It’s been by far the most read...

A UX view of the future of mobile networks and systems
From Putting People First

A UX view of the future of mobile networks and systems

The latest post of the User Experience Lab at Ericsson Research presents a UX view of the future of mobile networks and systems. “The “Remote Control over Mobile...

Grant Proposal Time and the Unexpected Benefits of CSTA Chapters
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Grant Proposal Time and the Unexpected Benefits of CSTA Chapters

It is that time of year again. All across the country computer science faculty members are preparing to submit their grant proposals. This means that they are also...

Amazon and Books
From The Eponymous Pickle

Amazon and Books

Is Amazon good for Books?  In the New Yorker.   " ... In the era of the Kindle, a book costs the same price as a sandwich. Dennis Johnson, an independent publisher...

Collaboration Between CPG and Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaboration Between CPG and Retail

Some fairy obvious observations, but still an interesting set of thoughts on the idea.   Via Kalypso.What Is Collaborative  Innovation?" ... Today’s industry leaders...

Future of Data Warehouses in Era of Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Data Warehouses in Era of Big Data

A dated post, but of interest.   If you read the Big Data literature, there is belief that predefined structure becomes less important in the future.  " ......

Managing the Analytical Lifecycle
From The Eponymous Pickle

Managing the Analytical Lifecycle

More from the machine learning meetings at UC a few weeks ago.  SAS went over some interesting case studies I am now examining:   Managing the Analytical Life Cycle...

CISE AD Issues Letter to Community on FY 15 Budget Rollout
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CISE AD Issues Letter to Community on FY 15 Budget Rollout

NSF/CISE Assistant Director Farnam Jahanian has issued the following letter to the community describing yesterday’s FY 2015 budget rollout: Dear Computer and Information...

Watson compared to Wolfram Alpha
From The Eponymous Pickle

Watson compared to Wolfram Alpha

Brought to my attention.  A relatively old blog post comparing the operation of IBM's Watson and Wolfram Alpha for expert systems applications.  Nicely portrayed...

Is AI Changing Business?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Is AI Changing Business?

A piece in Smart Data Collective, makes some useful points.   I think it is no longer a question.  I was actively involved the last time we rode the AI hype inThis...

Disney People Tracking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Disney People Tracking

Have followed this since a visit to Labs a number of years ago.  Tests have been underway since then, but now they appear to be pushing it ahead more generally....

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with the Play Framework
From Writing

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started with the Play Framework

Are you trying to get started with the Play Framework? Struggling to wrap your head around Futures, SBT, Scala, Functional Programming, or Iteratees? Then you've...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 10
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 10

March 12 Hearing: The Senate Rules and Administration Committee will hold a hearing on election administration 9:45 a.m., 301 Russell Building The Intelligence,...

Observing the technologists
From Putting People First

Observing the technologists

Nick Seaver, a PhD candidate in sociocultural anthropology at UC Irvine, makes the case for the importance of “studying up“: doing ethnographies not only of disempowered...

From Computational Complexity

Why do we think P NE NP? (inspired by Scott's post)

Recently  Scott Posted an excellent essay on reasons to think that P NE NP.  This inspired me to post on the same topic. Inspired is probably the right word. Some...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

How To Carry Fame

Long proofs are not always the most important results Michael Rabin is visiting Georgia Tech today and tomorrow to give a pair of distinguished lectures. Both of...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

How To Carry Fame

Long proofs are not always the most important results Michael Rabin is visiting Georgia Tech today and tomorrow to give a pair of distinguished lectures. Both of...

Elegance as a luxury
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Elegance as a luxury

As a young student, I was undisciplined. Though I did well in mathematics, I often couldn’t be bothered to write down clean computations. I would do the work mostly...

Interesting Links 10 March 2014
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 10 March 2014

I spent some time last week trying to keep up with what was happening in Austin Texas at SxSWedu and Atlanta Georgia with SIGCSE by watching Twitter. The good news...
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