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University of Arkansas Program For Minority Students & Majority Women
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

University of Arkansas Program For Minority Students & Majority Women

An interesting looking summer program. One has to get there on their own from what I can tell but no cost other than that. Open to 11th/12th graders. TECHNOLOGY...

3D Sensor Enabled Smartphone
From The Eponymous Pickle

3D Sensor Enabled Smartphone

In Mashable:   Project Tango from Google.  Quite an interesting effort.   Relates to a number of our indoor navigation experiments.  Ready here to do a retail store...

A Twisting Phone
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Twisting Phone

My son pointed me to this iPhone App, that twists a phone on its long axis, to enable automated panorama images. It was featured recently on Shark Tank.   An example...

Brian Krebs
From Schneier on Security

Brian Krebs

Nice profile of Brian Krebs, cybersecurity journalist: Russian criminals routinely feed Mr. Krebs information about their rivals that they obtained through hacks...

CANDYGRAM: NSA Exploit of the Day
From Schneier on Security

CANDYGRAM: NSA Exploit of the Day

Today's item from the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) group implant catalog: CANDYGRAM (S//SI//REL) Mimics GSM cell tower of a target network. Capable(S...

Twitter Accounts for CSTA Members To Follow
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Twitter Accounts for CSTA Members To Follow

Patrice Gans has a great post on the CSTA blog about Creating a Professional Learning Network that I wanted to share. Normally I would just include a link on my...

Sun Friends On The Move
From Wild WebMink

Sun Friends On The Move

I see that two friends I worked with at Sun — most notably creating — are on the move. Danese Cooper has decided that she can take on one more corporation’s...

Stand Up For ODF In The UK
From Wild WebMink

Stand Up For ODF In The UK

Originally posted on Meshed Insights & Knowledge:Showing that no issue is actually sorted until the end of the process is reached, Microsoft is trying to get its...

Augmented Reality and 3D Remote Manufacturing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Reality and 3D Remote Manufacturing

Had explored the close connection between augmented reality and remote manufacturing / 3D Printing.  Its interesting to see that the AR company Metaio is now offering...

Creating a Professional Learning Network
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Creating a Professional Learning Network

For the first time in my teaching career, I am teaching at a school with other computer science instructors. Not all computer teachers are as lucky; many are the...

Comcast and Time Warner
From The Eponymous Pickle

Comcast and Time Warner

Locally we are part of Time Warner.  Whose support I am less than enthusiastic about.   What will the change mean?  I would prefer some competition.  In Knowledge...

RCS Spyware and Citizen Lab
From Schneier on Security

RCS Spyware and Citizen Lab

Remote-Controlled System (RCS) is a piece of spyware sold exclusively to governments by a Milan company called Hacking Team. Recently, Citizen Lab found this spyware...

The Joy of Teaching Computer Science
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The Joy of Teaching Computer Science

Recently The Atlantic published an article, “The Joy of Teaching Computer Science in the Age of Facebook.” The article has a Q&A with Mehran Sahami, a professor...

Can someone explain WhatsApp’s valuation to me?
From Apophenia

Can someone explain WhatsApp’s valuation to me?

Unless you were off the internet yesterday, it’s old news that WhatsApp was purchased by Facebook for a gobsmacking $16B + $3B in employee payouts. And the founder... Teacher and Student Awards
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson Teacher and Student Awards

New program from to recognize students and teachers who are making a difference in computer science. Do you know a teacher or student who's changing...

Gamification of the Office
From The Eponymous Pickle

Gamification of the Office

Our own experiments showed that it was much easier to gamify external facing systems than to make game dynamics work internally.   Internally you have the control...

From Computational Complexity

Analog Adventures

I was 11 forty years ago when Dungeons and Dragons first appeared and by high school many of my friends spent far too many hours embarking on those fantasy adventures...

More IT Outsourcing at Procter & Gamble
From The Eponymous Pickle

More IT Outsourcing at Procter & Gamble

More P&G Outsourcing, announced in CGT: " P&G Strikes Big Outsourcing Deal CenturyLink will offer hybrid IT infrastructure services, with access to technologies...

TOTEGHOSTLY 2.0: NSA Exploit of the Day
From Schneier on Security

TOTEGHOSTLY 2.0: NSA Exploit of the Day

Today's item from the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) group implant catalog: TOTEGHOSTLY 2.0 (TS//SI//REL) TOTEGHOSTLY 2.0 is STRAITBIZARRE based implant...

Tweets About TV on the Second Screen
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tweets About TV on the Second Screen

The second screen exists today.   I often use a tablet while using TV, as an information source, but rarely to react to what is on the TV, despite predictions that...
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