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More Wearables
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Wearables

In the Cisco Blog:  More on wearable computing.   Is Glass only an entry point?  And how personalized will computing technology get?  We have smartphones so close...

Mitzenmacher Drinking Game?
From My Biased Coin

Mitzenmacher Drinking Game?

I've been visiting the Simons Institute for one of their workshops the last few days.  I got my advisor Alistair Sinclair to give me a tour.  I have to say, that's...

New Awards Made by Multiple Agencies for the National Robotics Initiative
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

New Awards Made by Multiple Agencies for the National Robotics Initiative

In 2011, President Obama announced the National Robotics Initiative (NRI) as part of the broader effort of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Initiative in...

From Computational Complexity

Science and Humanities

David Hollinger, a historian, wrote a recent Chronicle Review article The Wedge Driving Academe's Two Families Apart: Can STEM and the human sciences get along?...

Sifting Data Visually for Connections
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sifting Data Visually for Connections

Another example of the use of using visualization to determine non obvious connections: " ... Hypergraph, which is now part of Recommind’s Axcelerate On-Demand...

DARPA Contest for Fully-Automated Network Defense
From Schneier on Security

DARPA Contest for Fully-Automated Network Defense

DARPA is looking for a fully-automated network defense system: What if computers had a "check engine" light that could indicate new, novel security problems? What...

On Global Value Chains
From The Eponymous Pickle

On Global Value Chains

In Knowledge @ Wharton:  A turning point in the maturation of global value chains.  A good overview.  I note that Morris Cohen is quoted, who we did work with in...

‘An Overview of Service Design for the Private and Public Sectors’ report
From Putting People First

‘An Overview of Service Design for the Private and Public Sectors’ report

Service design is an approach to innovating both private and public sector services that places the user at the heart of the development process. Service design...

Is UX design the next big thing?
From Putting People First

Is UX design the next big thing?

UX design explained for advertisers: “Here is where the world of communication and the world of computing starts to merge in intent. Systems are to be used. Products...

Four myths about UX and how to bust them
From Putting People First

Four myths about UX and how to bust them

Brian Pagán describes four common UX myths and how to “bust” them: UX is too soft; it’s not based on anything Anyone can do UX UX is too expensive UX is just interaction...

Would a TV Show Fix the CS Recruitment Program?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Would a TV Show Fix the CS Recruitment Program?

A recent article in the New York Times called “I am Woman, Watch me Hack” brought up an idea I hear expressed pretty regularly. The idea is that the right TV show...

Google Supports Quantum AI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Supports Quantum AI

Again a favorite topic.  Quantum Computing.  The interaction between modern physics and computing.  So what it all about?  How about an example of instructional...

Linkedin Moves Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

Linkedin Moves Mobile

I have followed the flurry of updates to Linkedin mobile Apps.    I do find myself using it on mobile more often, as more of my work moves there.  It still hasMashable...

Golden Age of Television Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Golden Age of Television Online

In Knowledge @ Wharton: Will the Next ‘Golden Age of Television’ Take Place Online?  Good forward looking piece:  As Netflix, Amazon and others transition from...

Status of Text Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Status of Text Analytics

An Update: We used it in the enterprise calling it 'content analysis'.  It has evolved into something that is much easier to use and integrate with text sensors...

Where to Build Your Startup
From The Eponymous Pickle

Where to Build Your Startup

Lots of interesting data about startups outside the usual places.  The broad premise is that you should build your startup in Silicon Valley.  Have been involved...

More on Store Surveillance
From The Eponymous Pickle

More on Store Surveillance

The idea of doing 'visual analytics', has been growing, a new effort: " ... Video analytics startup Prism Skylabs announced today that it has raised $15 million...

Code Names for NSA Exploit Tools
From Schneier on Security

Code Names for NSA Exploit Tools

This is from a Snowden document released by Le Monde: General Term Descriptions: HIGHLANDS: Collection from Implants VAGRANT: Collection of Computer Screens MAGNETIC...

Dual Booting Ubuntu and Windows 8
From updated sporadically at best

Dual Booting Ubuntu and Windows 8

This blog post commemorates the better part of a work day I spent installing a dual boot of Ubuntu Linux 13.10 and Windows 8 on my Lenovo X230 Thinkpad. I did not...

CISE AD Issues Letter to the Community on Resuming Operations at NSF
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CISE AD Issues Letter to the Community on Resuming Operations at NSF

The Federal Government reopened on October 17, 2013.  Farnam Jahanian, Assistant Director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Computer and Information...
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