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Communications of the ACM



Serious Games for Learning
From The Eponymous Pickle

Serious Games for Learning

In Serious Games Market:    " ... Mecanika is a physics-based puzzle Serious Game designed by François Boucher-Genesse to help players intuitively learn classical...

2013: The Summer of CS
From Computer Science Teachers Association

2013: The Summer of CS

As we launch into a new academic year, I can't help but be excited by the amazing momentum I am currently feeling in computer science education. This past summer...

Me on Surveillance
From Schneier on Security

Me on Surveillance

This is a video of me talking about surveillance and privacy, both relating to the NSA and more generally.

Cloud Changing Business Culture and Strategy
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloud Changing Business Culture and Strategy

An interesting view.  Or has a new business culture created the need for cheap, fast and accurate sharing in new ways that have created the Cloud?

Big Science Driving Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Science Driving Big Data

In Quanta:  How big science has created and continues to drive Big Data. This is my background so I follow it carefully.  We are finally seeing a time where the...

Why It's Important to Publish the NSA Programs
From Schneier on Security

Why It's Important to Publish the NSA Programs

The Guardian recently reported on how the NSA targets Tor users, along with details of how it uses centrally placed servers on the Internet to attack individual...

American Computer Science League (ACSL)
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

American Computer Science League (ACSL)

This was posted to the CSTA announcement list. I don’t have first hand experience but I hear good things. Computer contests for high school students are available...

Augmented Pixels Reality Hoops Game
From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmented Pixels Reality Hoops Game

This continues my conversations with developers in the Augmented reality space. Here with the Ukranian firm Augmented Pixels. A new free game developed and then...

Shifting Urban Landscape Report
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shifting Urban Landscape Report

Most interesting and timely report from McKinsey: Urban world: The shifting global business landscape.  With lots of interesting graphics and statistics." ... Emerging...

Data Scientist Code of Professional Conduct
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Scientist Code of Professional Conduct

I still have my doubts over the longevity of the term 'Data Scientist',  and now they are creating a professional society and a code of conduct." ... Data Scientists...

Silk Road Author Arrested Due to Bad Operational Security
From Schneier on Security

Silk Road Author Arrested Due to Bad Operational Security

Details of how the FBI found the administrator of Silk Road, a popular black market e-commerce site. Despite the elaborate technical underpinnings, however, the...

Alex Sopko Now Writing for the Washington Times
From The Eponymous Pickle

Alex Sopko Now Writing for the Washington Times

Have always been a journalist at heart.  There are useful news stories lined up in my head waiting to emerge.  I particularly love to see examples of how young"...

What Are You Doing for Hour of Code?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What Are You Doing for Hour of Code?

That was the question I was asked in an email from a colleague who teaches in a neighboring district. I had thought about it but not in depth. It had been mentioned...

Health Care Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Health Care Innovation

HBR establishes a health care innovation center site.  " ...  Leading Health Care Innovation, a collaboration of the editors of the Harvard Business Review and...

Computational Art Using Processing for CS0 / GHC13
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Computational Art Using Processing for CS0 / GHC13

I love the curriculum that Zoe Wood and Julie Workman created for their school's CS0 course and that they spoke about at GHC13.  It uses Processing, like the CS1...

Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Hears from USACM
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies Hears from USACM

In light of the leaks surrounding U.S. national intelligence surveillance efforts, President Obama appointed a group to review those programs to determine if they...

Effectiveness of Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Effectiveness of Analytics

A good piece on the problem.  But ultimately it is ROI that talks.   And making sure that decision makers get the word of what is happening.    Before, during and...

Consumer Products and Robotics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumer Products and Robotics

Consumer products taking cues from robotics. We did this early on.  But the economics ultimately did not make sense.  " ... Smart thermostats, drones and other...

From Computational Complexity

P vs NP is Elementary? No-- P vs NP is ON Elementary

As I am sure you all know, the TV show Elementary  (Premise- Sherlock Homes in Modern Day NY. He emails and Texts!  Watson is a female! and...) had an episode that...

How the NSA Attacks Tor/Firefox Users With QUANTUM and FOXACID
From Schneier on Security

How the NSA Attacks Tor/Firefox Users With QUANTUM and FOXACID

The online anonymity network Tor is a high-priority target for the National Security Agency. The work of attacking Tor is done by the NSA's application vulnerabilities...
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