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Communications of the ACM



Mobile mastery
From Putting People First

Mobile mastery

Lauren Pope of Nokia writes that there are three things to think about if you want your devices and your brain to sing in unison: mindfulness, attention and metacognition...

Simon Roberts (EPIC chair) reflects on Big Data, business and ethnography
From Putting People First

Simon Roberts (EPIC chair) reflects on Big Data, business and ethnography

Simon Roberts, the highly engaging, smart and easily approachable chair of the EPIC conference last week, was so absorbed with all the logistics that he didn’t...

SAP Sensing Real Time Demand
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP Sensing Real Time Demand

Press release.  Have not examined this yet, but it is of interest. SAP was looking at this forecasting direction over a decade ago.   The question always arises...

Improving Customer Segmentation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Improving Customer Segmentation

And the further development  of customer segmenation. " ... Customer Segmentation Moves into the Fast Lane   ...  It is a common marketing dilemma: Companies know...

Predictive Analytic Evolution of R
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Analytic Evolution of R

Have had a number of talks with industry leader about R and its potential. At least they have heard of it now, but are still nervous about how it fits into their...

Alessandro Acquisti speaking at next Washington Area Trustworthy Computing Hour
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Alessandro Acquisti speaking at next Washington Area Trustworthy Computing Hour

In 2011, the National Science Foundation (NSF) created the Washington Area Trustworthy Computing Hour (WATCH), a series of thought-provoking talks by innovative...

Good Summary of Potential NSA Involvement in a NIST RNG Standard
From Schneier on Security

Good Summary of Potential NSA Involvement in a NIST RNG Standard

Kim Zetter has written the definitive story -- at least so far -- of the possible backdoor in the Dual_EC_DRBG random number generator that's part of the NIST SP800...

Verizon App Challenge - for middle and high school students
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Verizon App Challenge - for middle and high school students

This was posted to the AP Computer Science mailing list. I thought it was worth posting here for people not on that list. Looks interesting. Introducing the Second...

Sometimes You Have to Slow Down
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Sometimes You Have to Slow Down

I was helping a student today and realized that he’d been “lost” for a while. I was going pretty quickly and everyone seemed to be keeping up just fine. Not this...

Library of Congress Announces New Mobile App for Braille and Audio Books
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Library of Congress Announces New Mobile App for Braille and Audio Books

The Library of Congress announced today that its Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) system is going mobile with an app for Apple devices now available for...

From Computational Complexity

Crystal Math- What NUMB3RS and BREAKING BAD both get wrong

The TV show Numb3rs  had as a premise that a GENIUS mathematician could help solve crimes. Is this true? I rather doubt you need a GENIUS- though of course some...

eyes on the street or creepy surveillance?
From Apophenia

eyes on the street or creepy surveillance?

This summer, with NSA scandal after NSA scandal, the public has (thankfully) started to wake up to issues of privacy, surveillance, and monitoring. We are living...

The Purple Voice is Going Green
From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Purple Voice is Going Green

As I sit down to work on the November 2013 issue of the Voice newsletter, it occurs to me what a significant transformation this issue represents. The CSTA Voice...

Career Paths Shaped by Computing Innovations Fellowship
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Career Paths Shaped by Computing Innovations Fellowship

Last month, Google announced the recipients of its Summer 2013 Research Awards, and two former Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows) were among the winners:...

Europe and MOOC
From The Eponymous Pickle

Europe and MOOC

European universities start to embrace online teaching and MOOC.  " ... Several MOOC platforms have launched this year in Europe, and a consortium of open universities...

App for Oral Health
From The Eponymous Pickle

App for Oral Health

Procter & Gamble launches an app with Oral-B that promotes oral health.   A novel use of the iPhone as sensor through its mic.  Available on the iPhone store now...

USACM Provides Input On Next Version Of Open Government National Action Plan
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

USACM Provides Input On Next Version Of Open Government National Action Plan

As part of the Obama Administration’s Open Government Initiative, it released a National Action Plan in September 2011. Based in part on its progress on the first...

When does quantity become quality? How to navigate big data
From Putting People First

When does quantity become quality? How to navigate big data

While “Big Data” is causing excitement in the IT and business sector, the practice and concept of data analysis is not unfamiliar to those coming from a UX research...

Apple's iPhone Fingerprint Reader Successfully Hacked
From Schneier on Security

Apple's iPhone Fingerprint Reader Successfully Hacked

Nice hack from the Chaos Computer Club: The method follows the steps outlined in this how-to with materials that can be found in almost every household: First,...

Intellectual Xchange Network
From The Eponymous Pickle

Intellectual Xchange Network

See Chris Herbert's Intellectual XChange Network, been a while since I have mentioned them.   I am a member.  As a a journalist and expert I have covered conferences...
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