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Communications of the ACM



Privacy, Protection, and Personal Safety
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Privacy, Protection, and Personal Safety

One of the great things about working in a top-10 computer science department is that I get to see which fields are really hot. At the University of Washington...

Trusting a Data Scientist
From The Eponymous Pickle

Trusting a Data Scientist

A Challenge: Just because a study contains numbers or big data or statistics does not mean it is correct. So you should not completely trust any scientist for business...

Civilizing Customer Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

Civilizing Customer Behavior

In the HBR Blog Network:   An anonymous, large  network of commenters can lead to some nasty and self serving behavior.   We all read customer reviews with an element...

Introducing the GHC13 Communities Committee
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Introducing the GHC13 Communities Committee

Did you know that the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing has a strong online presence? From Tweeting to blogging to note taking, we've got you covered...

Data Management Platform Vendors
From The Eponymous Pickle

Data Management Platform Vendors

Examining the breadth of  Data Activation: The Data Management PlatformOne vendor, BlueKai,  defines DMP as:" ... A DMP is a centralized data management platform...

From Computational Complexity

The Dream

I have this theory that everybody's notion of "recent history" starts not from their memories but from their birth date. Case in point: Billy Joel's We Didn't Start...

Evading Internet Censorship
From Schneier on Security

Evading Internet Censorship

This research project by Brandon Wiley -- the tool is called "Dust" -- looks really interesting. Here's the description of his Defcon talk: Abstract: The greatest...

From My Biased Coin


I haven't posted for a while, primarily because I started by sabbatical by going to Copenhagen for most of August.  I was primarily visiting the IT University of...

Why Girls Don’t Go Into Computer Science (Infographic)
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Why Girls Don’t Go Into Computer Science (Infographic)

June Lin from Play-I sent me this infographic which I found interesting enough to share. Play-i is building educational, programmable robots for kids. Not sure...

Exploring the use of tablets in educational settings
From Putting People First

Exploring the use of tablets in educational settings

MindShift, a service by KQED and NPR, has published a four-part series to explore the four dimensions of using tablets in educational settings, examining how teachers...

Nokia Looks at the Connected Car
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nokia Looks at the Connected Car

In GigaOM:   Not unexpected, though I was a little surprised seeing Nokia here. A good overview of that this might look like:  " ... Nokia believes its can useRumors...

More on NSA Data Collection
From Schneier on Security

More on NSA Data Collection

There's an article from Wednesday's Wall Street Journal that gives more details about the NSA's data collection efforts. The system has the capacity to reach roughly...

McDonald's and Augmented Reality
From The Eponymous Pickle

McDonald's and Augmented Reality

A good description of how McDonald's is using mobile augmented reality for corporate sustainability PR and positioning in Europe using games.  Via Metaio. " ... The...

Seeking Photo Collages
From The Eponymous Pickle

Seeking Photo Collages

In Fast Company:    Linea Photosharing.  A great idea, simple design, a sort of Facebook without all the other complexity.  I also often used images to record and...

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy seeking Undergraduate and Graduate Student Interns
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy seeking Undergraduate and Graduate Student Interns

The Office of Science and Technology Policy is currently accepting applications for its Spring 2014 Internship Program.  The application deadline is 11:59pm Friday...

Defaults in Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Defaults in Data Visualization

An article in Junk Charts talks about hating the defaults in data visualization packages.  Well, you should at least consider what the defaults are and be sure...

Next Big Thing in Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Next Big Thing in Design

Design has recently been brought to my close attention.  Tim Brown writes about his book in Linkedin:  " ... In my book, Change By Design, I chronicle the end of...

Detaining David Miranda
From Schneier on Security

Detaining David Miranda

Last Sunday, David Miranda was detained while changing planes at London Heathrow Airport by British authorities for nine hours under a controversial British law...

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Starting Again
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Starting Again

I’m a big fan of the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing program. This program recognizes high school young women for their interest and aptitude in technology...

Designing for transparency and the myth of the modern interface
From Putting People First

Designing for transparency and the myth of the modern interface

UX consultant Thomas Wendt argues that the arguments in favor of invisible interfaces are making a few key mistakes, namely: Many are assuming that invisibility...
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