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Looking for Active Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Looking for Active Design

Sites scrape lots of information to get better understanding of the user.  So why can't this information be used to create active interface design, and a better...

GS1 Urges Case Data Accuracy
From The Eponymous Pickle

GS1 Urges Case Data Accuracy

Sometimes the very obvious need to get some little things correct can make all the difference.  Here is just one simple example from GS1.  Get your data right first...

Loyalty Via Social Intelligence
From The Eponymous Pickle

Loyalty Via Social Intelligence

Interesting piece from .....  Susan Ganeshan, Chief Marketing Officer at newBrandAnalytics,   writes .... " ... Various industries use social intelligence to make...

Virtual Choir 4 from Eric Whitacre
From Wild WebMink

Virtual Choir 4 from Eric Whitacre

Unexpectedly awesome. When he described it (“synths”, “pop feel”) it sounded like it might be a step down from the previous 3, but it’s actually very good. And...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid–Bacteria Symbiotic Relationships
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid–Bacteria Symbiotic Relationships

This is really interesting research. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

POPAI on Front End Shopper Behavior
From The Eponymous Pickle

POPAI on Front End Shopper Behavior

In POPAI:  A diagrammatic look at shopper front end and check out behavior.  This is an infographic that I like, because it shows how things work, as opposed to...

Supermarkets and Customers Dropping Loyalty Programs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Supermarkets and Customers Dropping Loyalty Programs

In Time:  Numbers of people in the programs are still increasing, but number of programs are decreasing.  A fairly extensive article about this mini trend.  Customers...

CCC Sponsoring Computational Sustainability Track at AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13)
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Sponsoring Computational Sustainability Track at AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-13)

The following entry is a special contribution to this blog from Douglas H. Fisher, Associate Professor of Computer Science at Vanderbilt University. This year Doug...

The Future of Humans
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Future of Humans

In the Atlantic:  The Future of humans in the approaching era of artificial intelligence.  Its is coming, but I am still skeptical of the timing predicted, but...

F2P Monetization Tricks
From Schneier on Security

F2P Monetization Tricks

This is a really interesting article about something I never even thought about before: how games ("F2P" means "free to play") trick players into paying for stuff...

CS Educator Interview: Laura Blankenship
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Laura Blankenship

Laura Blankenship teaches at the all-girls Baldwin School.and is also one of my favorite CS education bloggers. In this interview she talks about some of the issues...

Loyalty and Gamification
From The Eponymous Pickle

Loyalty and Gamification

We worked with several applications using game dynamics in our enterprise.   So I have been been involved in the concept for years.  I have given several talksRajat...

Japan-US Network Opportunity: R&D for “Beyond Trillions of Objects”
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Japan-US Network Opportunity: R&D for “Beyond Trillions of Objects”

The NSF has recently issued a new program solicitation- Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS: JUNO), Japan-US Network Opportunity: R&D for “Beyond Trillions...

From Computational Complexity

Combinatorics use to not get any respect. But because of Erdos...

(This blog is based on things I heard at the Erdos 100th Bday Conference) I have spend the last week at the Erdos 100th bday conference. One point that was made...

Microsoft’s CityNext initiative ‘puts people first’ (uh oh)
From Putting People First

Microsoft’s CityNext initiative ‘puts people first’ (uh oh)

So who else is putting people first? Microsoft‘s new smart cities initiative! “Cities play a vital role in our lives – both now and in the future. Microsoft’s CityNext...

Big-O notation and real-world performance
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Big-O notation and real-world performance

Classical Newtonian mechanics is always mathematically consistent. However, Newtonian mechanics assumes that bodies move without friction and that we stay far from...

Matchbox Computing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Matchbox Computing

Very small computers  Complete computing systems the size of credit cards. or smaller.  Was looked at for possible sensor duty.  But once you could communicateRaspberry...

GE Makes Short Films On Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

GE Makes Short Films On Big Data

In AdAge:   An unusual approach to make the case:   " ... GE Makes Short Films In Tiny Town About Big Data  ... Company Looks to Illustrate the Industrial Internet...

Macy's RFID Rollout Plans
From The Eponymous Pickle

Macy's RFID Rollout Plans

A long running project for improving inventory control at Macy's with RFID tagging.  An update on their progress: " ...  That inventory accuracy will indeed beHarrison...

More NSA Code Names
From Schneier on Security

More NSA Code Names

We don't know what they mean, but there are a bunch of NSA code names on LinkedIn profiles. ANCHORY, AMHS, NUCLEON, TRAFFICTHIEF, ARCMAP, SIGNAV, COASTLINE, DISHFIRE...
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