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And Thanks For All the Fish
From My Biased Coin

And Thanks For All the Fish

As my Area Administrator Tristen reminded me, " is officially your last day as my boss..."  Monday is July 1, which officially ends my term as Area Dean...

Friday Squid Blogging: Man Pulled Under by Squids
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Man Pulled Under by Squids

Video story on Animal Planet. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Predictive Assistants that Take the Initiative
From The Eponymous Pickle

Predictive Assistants that Take the Initiative

We worked with and visited the nonprofit research group SRI a number of times.  They originally had been spun out of Stanford University.   They were involved in...

Me on EconTalk
From Schneier on Security

Me on EconTalk

Another audio interview; this one is mostly about security and power.

My Talk at Google
From Schneier on Security

My Talk at Google

Last week, I gave a talk at Google. It's another talk about power and security, my continually evolving topic-of-the-moment that could very well become my next...

Travel Industry Big Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Travel Industry Big Data

Thomas Davenport on the use of Big Data in the travel industry.  A very nontechnical view of the potential, but not necessarily current use of Big Data in the online...

Preventing Cell Phone Theft through Benefit Denial
From Schneier on Security

Preventing Cell Phone Theft through Benefit Denial

Adding a remote kill switch to cell phones would deter theft. Here we can see how the rise of the surveillance state permeates everything about computer security...

A Retrospective Report of the Simons Institute Visions on The Theory of Computing Symposium
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Retrospective Report of the Simons Institute Visions on The Theory of Computing Symposium

The following is a special contribution to this blog from Christos Papadimitriou, C. Lester Hogan Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the...

Teacher for a Year!
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Teacher for a Year!

It's finally official: I get to teach for a year!Teach Your Heart Out / Krissy.Venosdale I've had this post bottled up for a while now, waiting for the papers to...

IRS Blocks Open Source Non-Profit Status
From Wild WebMink

IRS Blocks Open Source Non-Profit Status

Open source Foundations have a great track record for good governance of open source projects – think of the Apache Software Foundation, the Document Foundation...

Emotions Based on Brain Activity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Emotions Based on Brain Activity

Out of Carnegie Mellon, new research about how brain activities link to emotions.    Further research into nonconscious activity of the brain.   Depends strongly...

Microsoft Research Tracks Phone Mood
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Research Tracks Phone Mood

A fairly detailed article on work MS is doing to track the mood of people using a smartphone.  Called MoodScope. Of interest to enterprises that would like another...

The Future of Autonomous Vehicles
From The Eponymous Pickle

The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

Another good example of time forward looking search.    From a company I have followed for some time: Recorded Future.  Good understanding of possible futures has...

MOOC in Progress
From The Eponymous Pickle

MOOC in Progress

Good examples of the MOOC educational process in progress.  Will this be our future education process?  How will it be layered with more traditional methods?  Efficiencies...

Malware that Foils Two-Factor Authentication
From Schneier on Security

Malware that Foils Two-Factor Authentication

This is an interesting article about a new breed of malware that also hijack's the victim's phone text messaging system, to intercept one-time passwords sent via...

CS Educator Interview: Kathleen Weaver
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Educator Interview: Kathleen Weaver

For the second in my series of blog interviews with computer science educators I present Kathleen Weaver from Hillcrest High School  in Dallas Texas. Texas is a...

GS1 Standards Page
From The Eponymous Pickle

GS1 Standards Page

GS1's newly redesigned Standards Page.  With loads of information on the management of standards in many domains.   " ... GS1 develops global standards using the...

Computer Science Education Act (CSEA)
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Education Act (CSEA)

This looks like a very good piece of legislation. The basic idea is not to create new programs or additional spending but to reduce barriers to creating more computer...

Top 5 R Packages
From The Eponymous Pickle

Top 5 R Packages

An instructive survey by a data scientist of how they use packages in R, the open source statistics, graphics and modeling environment.  (analytics productivity)...

Pre-9/11 NSA Thinking
From Schneier on Security

Pre-9/11 NSA Thinking

This quote is from the Spring 1997 issue of CRYPTOLOG, the internal NSA newsletter. The writer is William J. Black, Jr., the Director's Special Assistant for Information...
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