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CCC Sponsoring Challenges and Visions Track at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2013 Conference
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CCC Sponsoring Challenges and Visions Track at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 2013 Conference

The CCC is sponsoring another in its series of “Challenges and Visions” tracks as a Robotics Challenges and Vision workshop at the 9th Robotics: Science and Systems...

Do we lose intelligence and creativity as we grow older?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Do we lose intelligence and creativity as we grow older?

It was popular during the XXth century to say that most scientific discovery are done by young scientists (under 30). The implicit assumption was that the brain...

From Computational Complexity

Post Mordem on an April Fool's day joke

Recall that on April Fools Day I had a post about R(5) being discovered via a collaboration of Math and History. Many readers emailed me asking how many people...

Interesting Links 15 April 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 15 April 2013

Income taxes are due the end of the day today in the US. Thanks to computer software mine are done and in with a minimum of pain. It is amazing how much easierlearn...

Dieticians at the Supermarket
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dieticians at the Supermarket

In AdAge:  Good piece on another example of linking related expertise to the retail interaction.  This may be an area where the personal touch could work well....

Report: People Powered Health
From Putting People First

Report: People Powered Health

People Powered Health: Health For People, By People and With People by Matthew Horne, Halima Khan and Paul Corrigan April 2013 – 58 pages NESTA, UK This report,...

Right to erasure protects people’s freedom to forget the past, says expert
From Putting People First

Right to erasure protects people’s freedom to forget the past, says expert

Viktor Mayer-Schönberger says the ability to forget our past, both on and offline, is an essential part of what makes us human. “The more I’ve worked on data protection...

Does design thinking address quick fixes at the expense of root causes?
From Putting People First

Does design thinking address quick fixes at the expense of root causes?

Does design thinking address quick fixes at the expense of root causes, asks John Thackara, referring to “Why the has its limits,” a provocative article...

Rx: Human nature
From Putting People First

Rx: Human nature

Why doesn’t a woman who continues to have unwanted pregnancies avail herself of the free contraception at a nearby clinic? What keeps people from using free chlorine...

To Dwell Is To Garden: An empathic approach to employee experience design
From Putting People First

To Dwell Is To Garden: An empathic approach to employee experience design

Liana Dragoman writes on UX magazine about the role of experience design in employee empowerment. “It has become increasingly important for customer-focused organizations...

Book: Interviewing Users (by Steve Portigal)
From Putting People First

Book: Interviewing Users (by Steve Portigal)

Interviewing Users: How to Uncover Compelling Insights by Steve Portigal Rosenfeld Media To be published: early May 2013 Interviewing is a foundational user research...

Google Glass Enables New Forms of Cheating
From Schneier on Security

Google Glass Enables New Forms of Cheating

It's mentioned here: Mr. Doerr said he had been wearing the glasses and uses them especially for taking pictures and looking up words while playing Scattergories...

JC Penney and Pricing
From The Eponymous Pickle

JC Penney and Pricing

Economist MJ Perry on the complexity and psychology of pricing.  Referencing an NYT article: " ... how the “everyday low pricing” model at J.C. Penney’s seems to...

Storytelling and Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Storytelling and Design

Good GigaOhm piece on sortytelling driving product design.   Been in a number of design projects that have allowed us to start from simple panel, day in the life...

White House Kicking off a Series of Big Data Workshops
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

White House Kicking off a Series of Big Data Workshops

The White House will be hosting a Big Data Workshop on May 3, 2013.  The workshop is sponsored by the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the NITRD Big...

Diagramming Sentences and the Power of Morphology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Diagramming Sentences and the Power of Morphology

The Language log Blog brings up diagramming sentences.  Very familiar and mostly disliked activity in early education in the US.  I remember being much intrigued...

Ray Kurzweil's Life
From The Eponymous Pickle

Ray Kurzweil's Life

In the WSJ:  The intersection of the life of inventor Ray Kurzweil and health technology.   Good to see.    He is extrapolating some information about how life expectancy is...

Agile Organizations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Agile Organizations

Some good, very general thoughts on agile organizations and management.  You are always dealing with changing context, so you have to be ready for it.  But can...

Brain Tracking the VW Commercial
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brain Tracking the VW Commercial

Sands Research provides a video of brain activation from their recent Superbowl ad study.  Here the one from award winning ad: The Force by Volkswagen.  Agency:...

Neuromarketing and Buying
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuromarketing and Buying

Sands Research points me to a largely non technical article on their work in UK's Daily Telegraph. 'Neuromarketing': can science predict what we'll buy?Advertisers...
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