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Collaborative Next Gen Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Collaborative Next Gen Analytics

A Webex recorded seminar by Robin Bloor in the Briefing Room.  Good overview of the topic.  Requires some registration.  " ... Experienced analysts know there is...

Lessons From the FBI's Insider Threat Program
From Schneier on Security

Lessons From the FBI's Insider Threat Program

This article is worth reading. One bit: For a time the FBI put its back into coming up with predictive analytics to help predict insider behavior prior to malicious...

Imagine Cup Kodu Challenge 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Imagine Cup Kodu Challenge 2013

I wasn’t sure if this sort of event would happen again but it has. I saw the announcement yesterday. If you have students looking for a challenge and they are...

Demand A Proper Consultation
From Wild WebMink

Demand A Proper Consultation

The UK’s Home Office continues to push for maximum surveillance powers with minimum accountability in the latest adjustments to the Communications Data Bill. I...

Ethnography: Ellen Isaacs at TEDxBroadway
From Putting People First

Ethnography: Ellen Isaacs at TEDxBroadway

Ellen Isaacs (personal site), a user experience designer and ethnographer at PARC, spoke on January 28 at TEDx Broadway about the power of ethnography and how it...

Smart homes: our next digital privacy nightmare
From Putting People First

Smart homes: our next digital privacy nightmare

The hyper-connected smart home of the future promises to change the way we live. More efficient energy usage, Internet-connected appliances that communicate with...

Buzz and Lift
From The Eponymous Pickle

Buzz and Lift

In AdAge:   Buzz online creates little or any product lift in the short term for Coke.  Article provides some interesting statistics, with uncertainties.  The comments...

Behavior and Decisions in Organizations
From The Eponymous Pickle

Behavior and Decisions in Organizations

A very nice piece in Bain&Company, Why we Behave and Decide the way we do.   Lots of information out there on why individuals act the way they do.  Even aspects...

From Schneier on Security


Twenty five countries are using the FinSpy surveillance software package (also called FinFisher) to spy on their own citizens: The list of countries with servers...

From Computational Complexity

Will they use EasyPope to pick the Pope in 2050?

AP press 2050: The new pope was elected in just 2 hours using EasyPope, the software based on EasyChair, software designed to deciding which papers get into a conference...

Python Trademark Safe In Europe
From Wild WebMink

Python Trademark Safe In Europe

Seems all that community pressure worked. The Python Software Foundation confirmed that the UK hoster that was threatening their name has withdrawn its trademark...

Considering the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

Considering the Cloud

Good Thoughtful podcast piece on the topicManaging TechnologyUp in the Cloud: Hype and High Expectations for Cloud ComputingCloud computing is creating waves in...

Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day 2013
From My Biased Coin

Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day 2013

I was asked to advertise the upcoming Second Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day (CAEC'13);information is available at's...

From Schneier on Security


Nice summary article on the state-sponsored Gauss malware.

Apply to be a Pilot Sites for the AP CS Principles Course
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Apply to be a Pilot Sites for the AP CS Principles Course

As you may know a new Advanced Placement Computer Science, usually called AP CS Principles, is being developed by/for the College Board. The College Board is now...

World Peace via Vending Machines
From The Eponymous Pickle

World Peace via Vending Machines

A curious project from Coke using vending machines to promote world peace.   Would they then need a vending App too? 

Update:  Andrew Auernheimer Watch
From My Biased Coin

Update: Andrew Auernheimer Watch

Well, this is going to give me nightmares for a while. TechNewsWorld:"Andrew Auernheimer, a hacker known as "Weev," was sentenced Monday to 41 months in prison...

Framing Devices With an Interactive Twist
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Framing Devices With an Interactive Twist

You may recall that I recommended inklewriter as one tool for testing story ideas.  I recently found an interesting piece of interactive fiction made with it and...

The Changing Face of Education and Computer Science
From Computer Science Teachers Association

The Changing Face of Education and Computer Science

Any person involved with education today can tell you that it is an ever changing field. What was common place just a few short years ago has been replaced by something...

A 1962 Speculative Essay on Computers and Intelligence
From Schneier on Security

A 1962 Speculative Essay on Computers and Intelligence

From the CIA archives: Orrin Clotworthy, "Some Far-out Thoughts on Computers," Studies in Intelligence v. 6 (1962).
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