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Another Essay about <i>Liars and Outliers</i>
From Schneier on Security

Another Essay about Liars and Outliers

The Montréal Review asked me to write an essay about my latest book. Not much that regular readers haven't seen before.

Interesting Links 25 February 2013
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 25 February 2013

School vacation week for me this week. Trying to get some work done around the house, relax a bit, grade a bunch and of course plan for the rest of the semester...

Isobel Demangeat on the UX of augmented reality
From Putting People First

Isobel Demangeat on the UX of augmented reality

A bit of an older talk, but still quite interesting: Isobel Demangeat, UX researcher at Qualcomm Corporate R&D Cambridge (UK), spoke at MEX in December 2011 on...

Show Me the Numbers
From The Eponymous Pickle

Show Me the Numbers

I have been fully reading Stephen Few's book: Show me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten.  (Second Edition).  In part for preparation of some...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Who Invented Boolean Functions?

Hint: I am not sure Calixto Badesa is a faculty member at the University of Barcelona. His department is called the Department of Logic, History, and Philosophy...

Sephora Haul Addiction
From The Eponymous Pickle

Sephora Haul Addiction

Ann Althouse examines the 100,000 videos entitled "Sephora Haul' on Youtube.    Quite an interesting view of what might be called cosmetics addiction and ultimately...

Making Time For Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Time For Innovation

In Innovation Excellence:  A former CPG innovation manager Kevin McFarthing,  talks about how people collaborate for innovation  in the big enterprise, spinning...

Thoughts on Grading Schemes
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Thoughts on Grading Schemes

I spent my entire reading week grading an assignment from the first year game development course I TA for.  The assignment was to design a board game with rules...

Android Robotics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Android Robotics

A good overview, with lots of pictures, of progress in android robotics in Japan.  For care giving and beyond.  The empathic and human aspects are still to be determined...

Secrets of Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Secrets of Data Visualization

Erica Driver writes about data visualization.  Some practical and often very true thoughts.The best secret of all that I can contribute is that you have to have...

WebDAV Direct
From Wild WebMink

WebDAV Direct

LibreOffice can connect natively to a WebDav server, apparently. Here’s another video in the same series as the ones I posted about CMIS connections, showing LibreOffice...

Call for Papers for EPIC 2013 London
From Putting People First

Call for Papers for EPIC 2013 London

Since its inception, the EPIC conference has brought together a dynamic community of practitioners and scholars concerned with how ethnographic thinking and methods...

Empathic Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

Empathic Design

The term was a new one to me.    I do agree that users are people, and you have to consider their needs to make a system that supports their decisions.  Thus all...

From The Eponymous Pickle


A very simple App for saving ideas and recommendations that I am currently trying.  Simple is good.   Is it more simple than using a basic note taking function?

Some thoughts on “cybersecurity” professionalization and education
From CERIAS Blog

Some thoughts on “cybersecurity” professionalization and education

[I was recently asked for some thoughts on the issues of professionalization and education of people working in cyber security. I realize I have been asked this...

Looking At Curriculum From Different Angles
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Looking At Curriculum From Different Angles

My job at Microsoft was to promote the use of Microsoft tools for computer science education. It was a great job and I was promoting tools that I had and that I...

Designing empathy into an open Internet of Things
From Putting People First

Designing empathy into an open Internet of Things

The mobile technology of tomorrow may be real-time, always on and algorithm driven in its characteristics, writes designer Jessi Baker, but there is a real opportunity...

Why BI Fails
From The Eponymous Pickle

Why BI Fails

I agree with some of the commenters.  Tools may be necessary these days, but they are not sufficient.  Your BI project will mostly likely fail not because features...

Cultivating empathic design in an analytical world
From Putting People First

Cultivating empathic design in an analytical world

There is an empathy gap in technology development, argues April Demosky on the FT’s Tech Blog. “In the analytic, data-driven world of Silicon Valley, emotions often...

OSTP mandates free public access to publications
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

OSTP mandates free public access to publications

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has directed that the published results of federally funded research (final peer-reviewed manuscripts or...
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