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UK Smart City
From The Eponymous Pickle

UK Smart City

An interesting piece about how Glasgow, Scotland has won a competition to be the UK's first 'Smart City' experiment,  linking widespread sensors and analytics to...

Graph Search for Recruiting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Graph Search for Recruiting

In Mashable:   Using Facebook Graph search for recruiting.   I am seeing more companies today interested in hiring, but making sure to sure they hire the right...

Smart Machines and World Without Work
From The Eponymous Pickle

Smart Machines and World Without Work

General AP article that covers a number of developments in the last decade.  Perhaps leading to less labor.  This kind of labor singularity is still some distance...

Efficiency vs Value in Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Efficiency vs Value in Innovation

In Innovation Excellence:   A look at the innovation equation.  Measurement is always a useful exercise, even if you don't use the measure directly. " ... What...

Improving Your Personal Brand
From The Eponymous Pickle

Improving Your Personal Brand

I was pointed to some interesting pieces in this blog about measuring and improving your personal brand: .  " ... Leaders need to have a big, bold vision that others...

P&G Marketing Spend Rising
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Marketing Spend Rising

AdAge article on how increasing P&G performance is leading to increasing its marketing spending. P&G already planned to step up marketing and innovation in the...

Scanning the Brains of Dogs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Scanning the Brains of Dogs

In Wired:   An article about how DARPA is planning to scan the brains of dogs to make better choices of military pairings.  An interesting idea that could look...

Big Data Skill Shortage?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data Skill Shortage?

Forbes piece on what they call a Big Data Skills Shortage. Here I believe that followup training to a typical Computer Science or Information Management degree...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

Making Primes More Random

Mathematical tricks Ben Green grew up about 100 meters from the house in Bristol where Paul Dirac was born and lived until age 10. He has followed Dirac to Cambridge...

Body As Instrument
From Wild WebMink

Body As Instrument

Fascinating video of Imogen Heap explaining her “gloves” – actually a set of instrumentation that detects body position and gestures and provides haptic and visual...

The Problem with "Mansplaining"
From updated sporadically at best

The Problem with "Mansplaining"

The "mansplaining" meme, which captures the phenomenon of men being patronizing to women in conversation, is trending on the internet. There is a Tumblr here; a...

Education and Industry–Friends or Foes?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Education and Industry–Friends or Foes?

Industry and education should be the best of friends. They should both be working towards some common goals. Mutually supportive allies. These days  that doesn’t...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squirming Tentacle USB Drive
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squirming Tentacle USB Drive

Just the thing. (Note that this is different than the previous squid USB drive I blogged about.) As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the...

Video Interview with Me
From Schneier on Security

Video Interview with Me

This interview was conducted last month, at an artificial intelligence conference at Oxford.

Neuroscience Shopper Engagements
From The Eponymous Pickle

Neuroscience Shopper Engagements

Ron Wright of Sands Research Writes to me:Lily Glick was the lead on the POPAI Shopper Engagement Study and we throughly enjoyed working with her on this project...

Forrester on New Workplaces
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forrester on New Workplaces

Another look at where we work and why.  Technology has opened lots of new possibilities, but also new overhead to making the process work.  I was at a meeting yesterday...

Windows 8 Game Development Links
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Windows 8 Game Development Links

My good friend Lindsay Lindstrom has started a series on creating Windows 8 games on her blog. Somehow I seem to have neglected to post links to it here. So here...

Making Virtual Reality Real
From The Eponymous Pickle

Making Virtual Reality Real

In Fast Company:  Did lots of work dealing with how a virtual presence could be be as real as possible.  So these findings are useful.

Shaming as Punishment for Repeated Drunk Driving
From Schneier on Security

Shaming as Punishment for Repeated Drunk Driving

Janesville, Wisconsin, has published information about repeated drunk driving offenders since 2010. The idea is that the public shame will reduce future incidents...

Open Source and App Stores
From Wild WebMink

Open Source and App Stores

Package management in Perl and Linux may have seeded their existence, but app stores have been hostile to open source and failed to pass on software freedom to...
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