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Communications of the ACM



From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

When Less Is More

Claiming less may be a good idea Robert Browning was an English poet of world renown in the Victorian age. His fame rests mostly on his dramatic monologues, in...

Bar Code Inventor Dies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bar Code Inventor Dies

I worked with identification technology technologies for years.  Bar codes were a simple solution to a simple problem with wide ranging, complex applications .....

App Economy
From The Eponymous Pickle

App Economy

Some fascinating statistics regarding the 'App Economy' and how it varies regionally.  Working with startups it is frequently the complaint that we could better...

Dawn Tree
From Wild WebMink

Dawn Tree

Dawn Tree, originally uploaded by webmink. One of the advantages of the irregular sleep patterns I’ve been experiencing lately post-travel is I get to see the early...

The Internet in North Korea
From Schneier on Security

The Internet in North Korea

How Internet censorship works in North Korea.

SAP CFO on the Evolving Role of the CFO
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP CFO on the Evolving Role of the CFO

At the recent CFO Dimensions conference in Chicago I was invited to interview a number of CFO participants for the CFO Intellectual Exchange Network (IXN). There...

DunnHumby and BzzAgent Pulse
From The Eponymous Pickle

DunnHumby and BzzAgent Pulse

In AdAge:    Kroger and Unilever are among the pleased users.  Some good detail here:  " ... Pulse draws data not just from the million BzzAgents, but also from...

Understanding electric utility customers
From Putting People First

Understanding electric utility customers

A few weeks back, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) issued “Understanding Electric Utility Customers—Summary Report: What We Know and What We Need to...

NSF Seeking Proposals for Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters (HazardSEES)
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Seeking Proposals for Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters (HazardSEES)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has issued a new solicitation – Interdisciplinary Research in Hazards and Disasters, or HazardSEES – that aims to foster the...

Analytics Magazine
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytics Magazine

Always useful and practical bimonthly Analytics Magazine.  The Nov/Dec Issue.  Sample articles:Successfully Operationalizing Analytics by James TaylorA repeatable...

Google Maps is Back for iOS
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Maps is Back for iOS

I have been a user of Google Maps since its Beta Days,  where tested it for geo data environmental and marketing applications.  Now as an iOS phone and tablet user...

From Computational Complexity

The Fiscal Cliff

Unless the republicans and democrats get a deal before year's end, the country will head over the so-called "Fiscal Cliff" including a budget sequestration that...

The man looking to turn Samsung into a Silicon Valley trendsetter
From Putting People First

The man looking to turn Samsung into a Silicon Valley trendsetter

Samsung is doubling down on technology investments in Apple’s backyard, including two new R&D buildings in Silicon Valley that will house 2,000 staff and a recently...

QR Code Scams
From Schneier on Security

QR Code Scams

There's a rise in QR codes that point to fraudulent sites. One of the warning signs seems to be a sticker with the code, rather than a code embedded in an advertising...

Charles Leadbeater on scaling and system innovation in public services
From Putting People First

Charles Leadbeater on scaling and system innovation in public services

On 26 November MindLab, the Danish citizen-centric governmental innovation unit, invited Charles Leadbeater for its morning lecture series. Leadbeater, a leading...

Mark Rettig’s vent on the Connecting movie
From Putting People First

Mark Rettig’s vent on the Connecting movie

Yesterday I plugged Connecting, a short film that explores trends in UI, Interaction & Experience Design. When Mark Rettig watched the video too, he said he would...

Hackety Hack for Learning Ruby Programming
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Hackety Hack for Learning Ruby Programming

This being CSEdWeek (Computer Science Education Week) the social media has been flooded with links to articles, information, great programs for promoting CS education...

Idea Connection
From The Eponymous Pickle

Idea Connection

I was reminded of IdeaConnection recently.  A site that connects innovative ideas and their uses.   I had the opportunity to chat with them for the enterprise a...

Business Model Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Business Model Visualization

David Sibbit discusses business model visualization.  A topic I love and that he instructed us on during the 1980s.    Lots of collaborations, books and even a...

NBC News Segment on Massively Open Online Courses
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NBC News Segment on Massively Open Online Courses

Earlier this week, NBC aired a video segment highlighting how Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are transforming education. Professors at universities like...
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