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Windows 8 Apps for Social Good Contest
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Windows 8 Apps for Social Good Contest

I don’t work for Microsoft anymore so I don’t get paid to promote things like this. On the other hand I like the idea of a) applications for social good and b)http...

Building software to conduct ethnographic research of online communities
From Putting People First

Building software to conduct ethnographic research of online communities

While digital ethnography is an established field within ethnography, we don’t often hear of ethnographers building digital tools to conduct their fieldwork. Wendy...

From Computational Complexity

Produce or Perish

 Every year or so the National Science Foundation releases a new version of the holy bible of grant submission procedures, the Grant Proposal Guide. Last month's...

On the Ineffectiveness of Airport Security Pat-Downs
From Schneier on Security

On the Ineffectiveness of Airport Security Pat-Downs

I've written about it before, but not half as well as this story: "That search was absolutely useless." I said. "And just shows how much of all of this is security...

Interesting Links 5 November 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 5 November 2012

Super Storm Sandy (for various reasons I believe it was not technically a hurricane when it reached me) came and went last week. I was lucky and we only lost power...

Five perspectives on the future of the human interface
From Putting People First

Five perspectives on the future of the human interface

The next generation of apps will require developers to think more of the human as the user interface. It will become more about the need to know how an app works...

Associative Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Associative Analytics

It has been a while since I took a look at Saffron Technology's blog.      I know several of the people involved, and their tech is solid.  They are now emphasizing...

Analytic Bridge.
From The Eponymous Pickle

Analytic Bridge.

Have mentioned this a few times, Analytic Bridge pulls together a number of useful online resources for data science that are worth subscribing to.    It is tough...

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Erlang, Day 2
From Writing

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Erlang, Day 2

After learning some basic Erlang syntax on Day 1, I take on the second Erlang chapter, which introduces some more interesting concepts.Erlang, Day 2: ThoughtsI'm...

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Erlang, Day 1
From Writing

Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: Erlang, Day 1

After a long hiatus, I'm finally back to working my way through Seven Languages in Seven Weeks. After finishing up Scala, I'm now on the 5th language, Erlang, though...

Digital Anthropology
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digital Anthropology

Have always been interested in how elements of sociology can be digitized and interpreted.  Facebook and Twitter are examples of this can be done today.  But how...

Book: Digital Anthropology
From Putting People First

Book: Digital Anthropology

Digital Anthropology Edited by Heather A. Horst, Daniel Miller Berg Publishers, Oct 2012 328pp Anthropology has two main tasks: to understand what it is to be human...

Anthropology of mid-sized startups
From Putting People First

Anthropology of mid-sized startups

In their natural habitats, social species organize into characteristic groups. Gazelles form herds, wolves form packs, and ants form colonies. Humans, in the same...

Leaving our mark: What will be left of our cities?
From Putting People First

Leaving our mark: What will be left of our cities?

From our cities, to our farms, to our rubbish, humans have firmly stamped their mark across the planet. Humanity’s impact on the globe is so great and varied that...

Human face of big data
From Putting People First

Human face of big data

This past week featured a worldwide experiment conducted via a mobile app: The Human Face of Big Data. On September 26, 2012, Against All Odds Productions launched...

Bridging the gap between humans and computers
From Putting People First

Bridging the gap between humans and computers

Heather Kelly reports on the CNN website on The Atlantic’s recent Big Science Summit in San Jose, California: We have voice-controlled assistants on our phones,...

Philips Design: From data to meaning for people
From Putting People First

Philips Design: From data to meaning for people

On October 22nd, 2012, Philips Design organized a special seminar and workshop to explore how businesses can innovate by translating ‘Big Data’ into value for people...

NEXT Service Design videos
From Putting People First

NEXT Service Design videos

NEXT Service Design is the European conference for designing digital services, which took place on 8 October in Berlin. It focuses on design methods including design...

The Slow Revolution
From Putting People First

The Slow Revolution

The last ten years has seen a burgeoning of the Slow Movement in all aspects of life from management, travel and education to science and work. On 4 October, the...

Posts from FOCS (Part 2)
From My Biased Coin

Posts from FOCS (Part 2)

Continuing posts from FOCS, with several guest-writers and guest-editor Justin Thaler.[Editor: First-year grad student Mark Bun of Harvard contributes a summary...
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