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Latest RSA Animate on the truth about dishonesty
From Putting People First

Latest RSA Animate on the truth about dishonesty

In this new RSA Animate, Dan Ariely, bestselling author and professor of psychology and behavioural economics at Duke University, explores the circumstances under...

Book: Observing the User Experience
From Putting People First

Book: Observing the User Experience

Observing the User Experience A Practitioner’s Guide to User Research by Elizabeth Goodman, PhD candidate, University of California, Berkeley’s School of Information...

Pentaho and Cisco Partner for Big Data Analytcs
From The Eponymous Pickle

Pentaho and Cisco Partner for Big Data Analytcs

In A Press Release:  We did lots of work with Cisco, especially in the retail space with devices that enabled price checking.  Was involved in a number of innovation...

Teaching Students About Their Digital Footprints
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Teaching Students About Their Digital Footprints

This year my high school added a new course that is a survey course for computing. One of the first lessons we did covered what a digital footprint was; how it...

How Mobile is Remaking Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Mobile is Remaking Marketing

A useful presentation by correspondent Phil Hendrix of Immr and GigaOM.  Contains a number of good case studies on the subject.

Security Vulnerability in Windows 8 Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)
From Schneier on Security

Security Vulnerability in Windows 8 Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)

This is the first one discovered, I think.

Fast Decisions Better than Perfect Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fast Decisions Better than Perfect Data

In Information Management:  Under some conditions, and with care.  But a good point,  what we called 'quick and dirty' analysis is sometimes very valuable to understand...

Need for Advanced Data Visualization Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Need for Advanced Data Visualization Analytics

Visualization is a form of analytics that integrates the power of human visual processing.   Such visualization works best when integrated with analytical methods...

Target Uses Passbook
From The Eponymous Pickle

Target Uses Passbook

Target stores has announced that they will be providing coupons through Apples' Passbook App, available on the new IOS6 operating system on iPhones.

ConAgra View of Innovation
From The Eponymous Pickle

ConAgra View of Innovation

ConAgra's view of innovation.   They rightly view an important element is information directly from customers.   And the ability to construct platform based solutions...

Can Design be Free
From The Eponymous Pickle

Can Design be Free

'Design wants to be Free', the article paraphrases Stewart Brand.  But what are the implications for low cost and universally available design?   Universally create...

Why user-centered design is not enough, by John Wood
From Putting People First

Why user-centered design is not enough, by John Wood

John Wood, Emeritus Professor of Design at Goldsmiths, University of London, argues on Core77 that the user-centered mindset is based on a one-dimensional map in...

SHA-3 to Be Announced
From Schneier on Security

SHA-3 to Be Announced

NIST is about to announce the new hash algorithm that will become SHA-3. This is the result of a six-year competition, and my own Skein is one of the five remaining...

Humanitarian Response and CRICIS — A Report from a Grassroots Workshop
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Humanitarian Response and CRICIS — A Report from a Grassroots Workshop

The following is a contribution to this blog from Robin Murphy, Raytheon Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and director of the Center for Robot-Assisted...

Interesting Links 24 September 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 24 September 2012

Happy Monday. Well try to start the day with a big smile until you actually feel like smiling. It works. Trust me on that. Last week a lot of things crossed myNCWIT...

SAP Mobility Design Center
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP Mobility Design Center

An intriguing effort by SAP to look at design in mobility.  With some similarities to our own innovation center work, which in part supported design of many kinds...

Diagnostic Tricorder  Challenge
From The Eponymous Pickle

Diagnostic Tricorder Challenge

In GigaOM:  Via the nonprofit Qualcomm Foundation.  The interconnection of a number of complex sensors to a smart phone style telecommunications device.  In particular...

SAP’s new Mobility Design Center uses user-centered design approach
From Putting People First

SAP’s new Mobility Design Center uses user-centered design approach

A few days ago SAP announced the opening of the new SAP Mobility Design Center to help customers meet the growing need for individualized mobile solutions. Headquartered...

Big Data and Analytics Vendors to Watch
From The Eponymous Pickle

Big Data and Analytics Vendors to Watch

An intriguing list to take a look at.   Mostly relatively start up to small companies.  Have seen a number of these, but many were new to me.   Have talked to a...

From Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP

What Is The Object?

A tale of two approaches to solve open problems Jeff Kahn and Gil Kalai are among the top problem solvers in the world, and each has won notable prizes in his great...
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