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Stolen Phone Database
From Schneier on Security

Stolen Phone Database

This article talks about a database of stolen cell phone IDs that will be used to deny service. While I think this is a good idea, I don't know how much it would...

Better Learning Through Movement
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Better Learning Through Movement

And fun as well. Recently a co-worker sent me a link to some videos that were done by the Houston Independent School District about the pilot program they are running...

Applying behavioral economics and cognitive psychology to the design process
From Putting People First

Applying behavioral economics and cognitive psychology to the design process

Artefact is, like Experientia, a UX design consultancy that is strongly inspired by cognitive and behavioral modeling, and uses all kinds of inputs from cognitive...

Tricia Wang on the geography of trust in social networks (video)
From Putting People First

Tricia Wang on the geography of trust in social networks (video)

Tricia Wang is a cultural sociologist interested in understanding how people use digital tools in their day to day lives. In her talk at the Lift 12 conference,...

The future of connected cars: what Audi is driving towards
From Putting People First

The future of connected cars: what Audi is driving towards

Richard MacManus writes on ReadWriteWeb that the next generation of in-car apps will be about providing “smart” services, such as taking some of the cognitive load...

Do walled gardens offer a better user experience?
From Putting People First

Do walled gardens offer a better user experience?

In an extensive article by Charles Arthur, technology editor of The Guardian, on the rise of walled gardens (apps, social networks) on the net, we read this quote...

Nest Thermostat: User-centered design is the best marketing
From Putting People First

Nest Thermostat: User-centered design is the best marketing

I enjoyed the final paragraph of the Fast.CoDesign article on the second generation Nest Thermostat: “Here

The future of money in a mobile age
From Putting People First

The future of money in a mobile age

Within the next decade, smart-device swiping will have gained mainstream acceptance as a method of payment and could largely replace cash and credit cards for most...

The Smart City starts with you
From Putting People First

The Smart City starts with you

Wired UK has published a guest post by Usman Haque, founder of and director at Haque Design + Research and CEO of Connected Environments, where he argues...

Robotics Challenge for Disaster Response
From The Eponymous Pickle

Robotics Challenge for Disaster Response

A very detailed  DARPA challenge for robotics in the area of disaster response.  In IEEE spectrum.   I have been surprised that more has not been done in this context...

Computers and Society
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computers and Society

See correspondent Lisa Kaczmarczyk's book:Computers and Society: Computing for Good contains in-depth case studies with extensive, thought provoking end of chapter...

Wearable devices: the next battleground for the platform wars
From Putting People First

Wearable devices: the next battleground for the platform wars

Wearable devices, or

Delivering Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Delivering Analytics

In E-Commerce Times:  Some useful thoughts about the process and the needs for expertise.   Its never all about the tools:" ... Considering the large number of...

Electronic Laboratory Notebook Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Electronic Laboratory Notebook Management

Rescentris just brought to my attention.   We worked on Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) systems that could be signed and witnessed some time ago.  Most recently...

Aimia Loyalty Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Aimia Loyalty Analytics

I have been following the Aimia group for a while now. More news.  " ... Self Serve, a proprietary program through Sobeys' partnership with analytics firm Aimia...

Forever-Day Bugs
From Schneier on Security

Forever-Day Bugs

That's a nice turn of phrase: Forever day is a play on "zero day," a phrase used to classify vulnerabilities that come under attack before the responsible manufacturer...

Plagiarism v. Learning
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Plagiarism v. Learning

The SIGCSE mailing list has been having a very active discussion of plagiarism in computer science classes of late. These discussions seem to recur with disappointing...

Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Finals Later This Month
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Finals Later This Month

Later this month, the best and brightest cyber defense students from 10 universities throughout the country will descend on San Antonio, TX, for the 8th annual...

Outliers in Intelligence Analysis
From Schneier on Security

Outliers in Intelligence Analysis

From the CIA journal Studies in Intelligence: "Capturing the Potential of Outlier Ideas in the Intelligence Community." In war you will generally find that the...

Recipes for Making Improvements in K-12 CS
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Recipes for Making Improvements in K-12 CS

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with Bill Mitchell, Director of the BCS Academy of Computing in the United Kingdom (UK). It was interesting to chat with...
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