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Cameo in a Rock Video
From Schneier on Security

Cameo in a Rock Video

At the 1:46 mark, you'll see my first cameo appearance in a transvestite-themed rock video.

More on the Captured U.S. Drone
From Schneier on Security

More on the Captured U.S. Drone

There's a report that Iran hacked the drones' GPS systems: "The GPS navigation is the weakest point," the Iranian engineer told the Monitor, giving the most detailed...

Unilever Changing the Mix
From The Eponymous Pickle

Unilever Changing the Mix

I am often asked questions about continuing TV ad dominance.  Is this an indicator of major media buyers making significant mix changes?

CEOs and the Cloud
From The Eponymous Pickle

CEOs and the Cloud

A good HBR article on what every CEO needs to know about the Cloud.   As usual the comments are also thoughtful.   Requires registration for full article or payment...

Snow Cone Machines for Homeland Security
From Schneier on Security

Snow Cone Machines for Homeland Security

When you give out money based on politics, without any accounting, this is what you get: The West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC) is...

Tools for SemanticTechnologies
From The Eponymous Pickle

Tools for SemanticTechnologies

Mark Montgomery points me to this useful post on tools for semantic technologies.  Work at least a scan and a selective drill down.  Things are changing rapidly...

CSTA Teacher Leader Champions Women in STEM at White House
From Computer Science Teachers Association

CSTA Teacher Leader Champions Women in STEM at White House

CSTA was recently recognized by the White House as a Champions of Change. This blog piece by CSTA Leadership Cohort member Baker Franke is reprinted with permission...

Answer Set Programming
From The Eponymous Pickle

Answer Set Programming

We examined what is often called declarative problem solving  for AI applications in the enterprise. Here an article in the CACM (abstract) on what is called Answer...

Valuation of Media Content
From The Eponymous Pickle

Valuation of Media Content

On the  Valuation of media content.  An increasingly important topic.  Always looking for ways to make this resource efficient.  More on the method.  Examining. ...

From Computational Complexity

Algorithmic Driving

In my post last week, my commentors took me to task on my prediction that cars will drive us in ten years. Some thought Americans would wise up and learn to love...

The EFF's Sovereign Key Proposal
From Schneier on Security

The EFF's Sovereign Key Proposal

Proposal here.

MIXHS11 Challenges & Visions Session a Success
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

MIXHS11 Challenges & Visions Session a Success

The following is a special contribution to this blog from

This Week, I Am A Scientist
From My Biased Coin

This Week, I Am A Scientist

This week, I am a scientist;  I know this, because I have an article in Science.  It's nice to have something to point to that my parents can understand.  I don't...

First Do No Harm
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

First Do No Harm

I came across a great quote by Pablo Picasso the other day

From My Biased Coin


As I've probably mentioned, I generally enjoy my consulting work.  Besides the obvious remunerative aspects, consulting provides challenges, insights, and experiences...

SAP and NetBase
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAP and NetBase

More on the use of social media analytics to manage client reputation and interaction." ... Taking a cue from rivals such as, SAP on Monday announced...

P&G Shaping the Store Case Study
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Shaping the Store Case Study

Again brought to my attention: "P&G Shapes the Store".  The virtualization of the store and its use with shoppers and designers to bring science to bear on the...

Towards an ethics of persuasion
From Putting People First

Towards an ethics of persuasion

As design becomes more sophisticated in influencing user behavior, it’s important that we start to think critically about the ethical boundary between persuasion...

Highway to health
From Putting People First

Highway to health

Incorporating wireless technology into its newest cars, Ford prepared to roll out vehicles capable of monitoring everything from pollen counts to glucose levels...

Nokia foresight on the future of mobile design
From Putting People First

Nokia foresight on the future of mobile design

Sondre Ager-Wick, Nokia’s Head of Design Strategy and Foresight, discusses the evolution and future of mobile design. His new trends: - DIY design - Electronically...
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