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Communications of the ACM



Biologically Inspired Visual Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Biologically Inspired Visual Search

And more about visual search.  I worked on several projects in this area, and it is a difficult problem, though there have been advances in recent years." ... The...

Similar Image Search
From The Eponymous Pickle

Similar Image Search

A good introduction to similar image search in Google, here applied to specific sites.

Enchanted Objects: The next wave of the web
From Putting People First

Enchanted Objects: The next wave of the web

David Rose (LinkedIn), CEO of Vitality (where he works on healthy behavior change) and lecturer at MIT Media Lab (and former CEO of Ambient Devices), gave a talk...

Do We Really Want Digital Textbooks?
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Do We Really Want Digital Textbooks?


What is Your Influence Score?
From Putting People First

What is Your Influence Score?

Imagine a world in which we are assigned a number that indicates how influential we are. This number would help determine whether you receive a job, a hotel-room...

IBM reveals untapped mobile users of the future
From Putting People First

IBM reveals untapped mobile users of the future

Consumers have a growing appetite for health and wellness gadgets and this represents a burgeoning market opportunity for device manufacturers that has barely been...

Activate 2011: Technology powered by people
From Putting People First

Activate 2011: Technology powered by people

Ken Banks, founder of and FrontlineSMS, reports on how Activate 2011, the one-day conference in London on technology and development, made clear it’s...

Adventures in NUI Part 1
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Adventures in NUI Part 1

Yesterday I was giving a career talk to a group from Year Up in Microsoft

Seeing Gaming in a New Light: Games for Change Festival 2011
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Seeing Gaming in a New Light: Games for Change Festival 2011

I just got back from New York City for my first visit to the Games for Change Festival. In its eighth year, this year

Sock Monkey Meets Policy Man
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Sock Monkey Meets Policy Man

Sock Monkey met Cameron Wilson, ACM Director of Public Policy, at a meeting Cameron organized for several of the organizations working on K12 learning standards...

Shopper Engagement Study
From The Eponymous Pickle

Shopper Engagement Study

I am late to this but see the POPAI Shopper Engagement Study." ...  Nearly 95% of decisions are made by the subconscious mind. Yet when it comes to understanding...

Chrome Book: Future or the Past
From The Eponymous Pickle

Chrome Book: Future or the Past

I asked for a review copy of the Google Chromebook.  Still waiting.   A sleek new concept of a laptop, which contains no disk drive and little memory.  Supportin...

Bullies, Pirates and Lulz
From CERIAS Blog

Bullies, Pirates and Lulz

Yet another breach of information has occurred, this time from the Arizona Department of Public Safety. A large amount of data about law enforcement operationsothers...

From Computational Complexity

Blog Redesign

We redesigned the blog to use the newest Blogger features. This lets me not have to maintain the 2002 html code we had before and lets us have some new features...

links for 2011-06-25
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-06-25

JK Rowling reignites DRM debate (Wired UK) Fascinating use of power here by Rowling that has the potential to really change the eBook and DRM markets if others...

Stupidity is Contageous
From The Eponymous Pickle

Stupidity is Contageous

In the WSJ: People feel and act smart if the are shown examples of intelligence.  If they can identify or compare themselves to the examples they see.   But as...

All Passwords Are Weak
From The Eponymous Pickle

All Passwords Are Weak

Depressing thoughts in this Tech Review article.  Only one-time generated passwords are particularly strong.  Will we all be condemned to remember all those passwords...

InSecret: A LinkedIn Hackday Master Tries Something Different
From The Noisy Channel

InSecret: A LinkedIn Hackday Master Tries Something Different

LinkedIn Hackdays are an awesome opportunity for innovation — learn more about them here. But first check out this unusual entry by Hackday master Dhananjay Ragade...

Advertising Value Equivalents
From The Eponymous Pickle

Advertising Value Equivalents

In the WSJ blog: The Numbers Guy, by Carl Bialik: Now Much is this Blog Post Worth?  Addressing how in the rush to measure things,  quantitative measures are often...

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating Humboldt Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Eating Humboldt Squid

Chris Cosentino, chef at Incanto in San Francisco, wants to serve you Humboldt squid.
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