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Bing Adds 2D Barcodes and Grabbing Text
From The Eponymous Pickle

Bing Adds 2D Barcodes and Grabbing Text

For a recent study I compared Redlaser and ShopSavvy smartphone barcode readers for on shelf use.   I notice today that Microsoft has added a 2D barcode reader...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

The New York Times picks up on a point made in the recent report of the President

Brands as Media Properties
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brands as Media Properties

In Brandweek: Unilever says that brands must be turned into media properties via content.

A Wednesday News Roundup
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

A Wednesday News Roundup

Lots of interesting stories touching on computing research in The New York Times and Time magazine in the past couple weeks: - Feb. 28 –

Febreze Reaches Billion Dollar Mark
From The Eponymous Pickle

Febreze Reaches Billion Dollar Mark

Commentary regarding the Febreze benchmark on the Brand Channel.  A Billion dollars in sales for a quite simple concept.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Attend (or Should Have Attended) SIGCSE
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Attend (or Should Have Attended) SIGCSE

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Attend (or Should Have Attended) SIGCSE 10. It has a long tradition (42 years to be exact!) of bringing together people from all...

Problems with Mobile Location Data
From The Eponymous Pickle

Problems with Mobile Location Data

A thoughtful interview post on issues that occur with mobile location data.  " ... Between identifying relevant and accurate data sources, harmonizing data from...

From Computational Complexity

Les Valiant wins the Turing Award

In a definite case of when not if, Leslie Valiant will receive the 2010 ACM Turing Award, the highest honor in all of computer science. Valiant has done incredible...

From Putting People First


Last week Experientia participated in Ecobuild 2011 (London, UK) to showcase its work in user-centred sustainable design for the built environment, and in particular...

links for 2011-03-09
From Wild WebMink

links for 2011-03-09

'No sysadmin' is the key to Freedom Box "The Freedom Box project will succeed or fail on whether it works "without sysadmin". If only trained sysadmins can figure...

Malware as Job Security
From Schneier on Security

Malware as Job Security

A programmer installed malware into the Whack-a-Mole arcade game as a form of job security. It didn't work.

Leslie Valiant Wins Turing Award
From My Biased Coin

Leslie Valiant Wins Turing Award

About time!

CS Principles AP Course Pilots Wanted
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

CS Principles AP Course Pilots Wanted

As many of you know there is a new AP CS course, APCS Principles, under development. A second round of pilot courses is planned for next school year and the program...

Computing Beyond Mathematics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Computing Beyond Mathematics

An interesting viewpoint article in ACM.  In one way this is quite obvious, computer science has gone far beyond mathematics ... far beyond just 'computing'Computer...

SAS Pushes Business Intelligence to Mobile
From The Eponymous Pickle

SAS Pushes Business Intelligence to Mobile

A very good direction we are seeing as key Business Intelligence vendors are supporting mobile.  You should be able to take your intelligence to wherever your data...

Breaking news: HTML+CSS is Turing complete
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Breaking news: HTML+CSS is Turing complete

A programming language is Turing complete if it equivalent to a Turing machine. In practice, it means that any algorithm can be implemented. Most programming languages...

Location Based Marketing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Location Based Marketing

In Adage:  a good overview of what marketers should think about when considering the use of  location based services.

Remote Food
From The Eponymous Pickle

Remote Food

3D Printers creating food.   It appears there is still much to do here before this becomes practical or very appetizing.  Yet the direction is clear, digitally...

NSF DD Describes His Experience
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF DD Describes His Experience

Keith Marzullo, a Division Director within the NSF’s CISE Directorate, recently sat down to describe his experiences working at the National Science Foundation....

Criminals Stealing Cars by Calling Tow Trucks
From Schneier on Security

Criminals Stealing Cars by Calling Tow Trucks

It's a clever hack, but an old problem: the authentication in these sorts of normal operations isn't good enough to prevent abuse.
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