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A Different Perspective on P != NP
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

A Different Perspective on P != NP

Ok, obviously this potential proof for P != NP is causing quite a stir. I really wasn't planning on blogging about it, but today I had the opportunity to share...

Apple JailBreakMe Vulnerability
From Schneier on Security

Apple JailBreakMe Vulnerability

Good information from Mikko Hypp

Saffron Associative Experience Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

Saffron Associative Experience Management

I just received a note announcing Saffron Technologies forthcoming book: Making Memories, Applying Neuron-inspired Associative Memories to National, Business and...

Forbes Requires its Reporters to Blog
From The Eponymous Pickle

Forbes Requires its Reporters to Blog

Via Paul Gillin ... Forbes is requiring its reporters to blog and is opening a new blog. Will newspapers survive by morphing into blogs? That seems to be be happening...

links for 2010-08-10
From Wild WebMink

links for 2010-08-10

The golden age of open source? Matthew Aslett describes what I called "the open source bubble" as open source 3.0 and agrees it's ending in favour of what he calls...

A Revised Taxonomy of Social Networking Data
From Schneier on Security

A Revised Taxonomy of Social Networking Data

Lately I've been reading about user security and privacy -- control, really -- on social networking sites. The issues are hard and the solutions harder, but I'm...

Accessibility and Computer Science
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Accessibility and Computer Science

My first real knowledge of differently abled people using computers came about 35 years ago when I was in college. There was a recent graduate of the college who...

Cameron Neylon on Practical Steps Toward Open Science
From Michael Nielsen

Cameron Neylon on Practical Steps Toward Open Science

Cameron Neylon is a scientist at the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, an open notebook scientist, and one of the most thoughtful advocates of open...

Book Review: Hamlet's Blackberry
From The Eponymous Pickle

Book Review: Hamlet's Blackberry

Just completed the recently released: Hamlet's BlackBerry: A Practical Philosophy for Building a Good Life in the Digital Age by William Powers. The link includes...

How Eye Tracking is Changing the Web
From The Eponymous Pickle

How Eye Tracking is Changing the Web

Good intro piece in ReadWriteWeb. Not only about tracking in a passive sense to see where people are looking, but also as a means to interact with the web. Have...

P != NP ?
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

P != NP ?

The internet is abuzz with stories about a purported proof that the class P is not equal to the class NP.

P ? NP?
From Schneier on Security

P ? NP?

There's a new paper circulating that claims to prove that P ? NP. The paper has not been refereed, and I haven't seen any independent verifications or refutations...

I-Room Virtual Space for Interaction
From The Eponymous Pickle

I-Room Virtual Space for Interaction

In the current IEEE Computer Intelligence Systems. An overview of a collaborative space to support sensory decisions. Quite interesting because it includes thein...

Why I Never Learned Scientific Experimentation in High School
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Why I Never Learned Scientific Experimentation in High School

Every lab report was the same. We started off by copying down the hypothesis written in the text book or lab assignment, listed the equipment used, wrote out the...

? Free UK Tracks
From Wild WebMink

? Free UK Tracks

Here are links to three of the free tracks I’ve found on Amazon UK over the last week (you have to be in the UK to download these). The best is probably the dark...

From Computational Complexity

That P ne NP proof- whats up with that?

Let me be he last on the block to tell you that an alleged proof of P ≠ NP is out there. NOT posting on it would be absurd; however, I cannot do any better than...

Eyeballs Out
From The Eponymous Pickle

Eyeballs Out

I just read the preprint of colleague Donna Sturgess' new book: Eyeballs Out: How To Step Into Another World, Discover New Ideas, and Make Your Business Thrive....

Branded Storytelling Online
From The Eponymous Pickle

Branded Storytelling Online

Storytelling should work. yes, but it does depend on the story. AdAge presents a number of case studies that worked, and others that did not. An instrutive set...

Saffron Technologies Overview
From The Eponymous Pickle

Saffron Technologies Overview

A good explanatory post on associative memory vendor Saffron Technology ... which I have followed for some time. Will continue to track this impressive effort.

How to get everyone talking about your research!
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

How to get everyone talking about your research!

Deolalikar claims to have solved the famous P versus NP problem.
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