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Preventing Terrorist Attacks in Crowded Areas
From Schneier on Security

Preventing Terrorist Attacks in Crowded Areas

On the New York Times Room for Debate Blog, I -- along with several other people -- was asked about how to prevent terrorist attacks in crowded areas. This isCameras...

Findability and Exploration: the future of search
From Putting People First

Findability and Exploration: the future of search

Stijn Debrouwere, a Belgian information architect, has published a long Peter Morville-inspired post on findability related issues. “The majority of people visiting...

Smart Things
From Putting People First

Smart Things

After posting the first chapter of his new book Smart Things: Ubiquitous Computing User Experience Design (see also this earlier post), Mike Kuniavsky is now doing...

Fratricide and the Ecology of Proposal Reviews
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Fratricide and the Ecology of Proposal Reviews

A friend of mine from Field X once served as a program officer at a major research funding agency. (Names changed to protect the innocent.) As part of a quality...

From Putting People First


The concept of social objects is pretty widely used in social interaction design, but we

From Computational Complexity

Gadget Love

Many of my fellow CS theorists are surprisingly technophobes. Don't own a cell phone. Begrudgingly got a credit card but still refuse to buy anything online. Still...

Malcom Gladwell on Spies
From Schneier on Security

Malcom Gladwell on Spies

Good quote: Translation: the proper function of spies is to remind those who rely on spies that the kinds of thing found out by spies can't be trusted. Nice...

Global Time Sink
From The Eponymous Pickle

Global Time Sink

Carr in Roughtype discusses the Web as a global time sink, and outlines efforts to go 'cold turkey' on using the Internet. One participant suggests that getting...

Internet of Things Mashup
From The Eponymous Pickle

Internet of Things Mashup

The Internet of Things conference starts today in London. Much more about it here. More information at the link, a blog, videos, etc. I will report on aspects...

Google Voice and Skype
From The Eponymous Pickle

Google Voice and Skype

In Computerworld: You can now make calls using Skype from Google Voice. There is also a unified caller ID between the two. Very nice connection that can make both...

Dis-Loyalty Program
From The Eponymous Pickle

Dis-Loyalty Program

Clever thought: Is The Anti-Loyalty Program A Fun Way To Get Competitor Intelligence? by Evan SchumanA UK coffee retailer had an unusual idea, something he called...

What's Different About Boys' and Girls' Interest in Computing?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

What's Different About Boys' and Girls' Interest in Computing?

Today's college-bound students have grown up immersed in the technology of computing, and what interests them is no longer the same as what attracted previous generations...

May/June Analytics
From The Eponymous Pickle

May/June Analytics

In the May June Analytics Magazine. A number of good articles including analytics in health care, text analytics, supply chain analytics overview. As usual, good...

Open positions at Experientia
From Putting People First

Open positions at Experientia

COMPETES Act Reauthorization Takes First Step Through Congress
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

COMPETES Act Reauthorization Takes First Step Through Congress

Last Wednesday at the end of a long markup session, the House Science and Technology Committee approved a bill that would reauthorize the American COMPETES Act,...

Interesting Links 3 May 2010
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 3 May 2010

Last week was a struggle for me both blogging and otherwise. A lot of stuff going on at work and at home. Plus of course I spent a lot of my blogging energy onImagine...

Security Analysis of India's Electronic Voting Machines
From Schneier on Security

Security Analysis of India's Electronic Voting Machines

They're vulnerable to fraud.

From Computational Complexity

Guest Post on Robin Milner who passed away recently

Robin Milner died on March 20, 2010. For obits see here and here. A review of his most recent book will be in a future SIGACT NEWS book review column; however,here...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 3
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of May 3

May 5 Hearing: The Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties of the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on updating the Electronic...

Toward Data-driven Science
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Toward Data-driven Science

Science and business, so far, has being mostly model driven. That is, you collect a few data points, just enough to fit your model. Then you proceed from your model...
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